Example sentences of "recently [be] " in BNC.

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1 Rev J Powrie , 22 years Minister of Chalmers — Ardler Parish Church , Church of Scotland , has recently been appointed as member of ACET 's Advisory Council .
2 A single-volume history has recently been courageously and skilfully attempted by Hugh Honour and John Fleming , which inevitably suffers from the problem of compression .
3 Two other contemporary writers whose work was first performed by the English Stage Company are Nigel Williams , author of Sugar n' Spice and Paul Kember , author of Not Quite Jerusalem ( which has recently been filmed ) .
4 His friend Morton , who had recently been studying art and sculpture in London , mentioned his parents ' old friends , the Pullmans , who had a place in Hampstead .
5 I have recently been making sculpted furniture , using a variety of power carving methods for fast timber removal .
6 Kenneth MacMillan is a master of many styles and views but it was he who first revealed Lynn Seymour 's dramatic gifts in Romeo and Juliet and has more recently been doing the same for Darcey Bussell .
7 The bolts have recently been renewed but traditional protection is also necessary .
8 Following legislative reforms , it has recently been making a big drive for personal pensions business which has proved successful .
9 The KPNLF , which has about 7,000 men , had until recently been dismissed by military analysts as a badly organised force more interested in black-market activities across the Thai-Cambodia border than military operations .
10 This untypically flashy Icelander , who has lived most of his life in Las Vegas , and worked on Mr Bush 's election campaign , has recently been in charge of polishing the images of Frank Sinatra and Donald Trump , the New York city real estate person .
11 It is a relevant example because it involves one of the most searing of twentieth-century experiences , replete with both personal and broader political consequences , and it has recently been in the news .
12 Many column inches have recently been devoted to the boom in classic modern and contemporary painting .
13 The ‘ bijou rustic pavilion ’ as he describes it , still survives and has recently been restored by the Landmark Trust .
14 Sixteen experiments have recently been presented to Soviet scientists in Moscow , he said .
15 Yesterday the Torbay coroner said 14 out of 32 suicides this year had recently been released from the unit , which he has criticised on several occasions since it replaced more secure psychiatric hospitals that have been closed by the area health authority .
16 For example , on one occasion a youth was caught urinating in the street late at might , and was very respectful and deferential when caught in the act , but , upon the policeman recalling that he had recently been one of a group which had shouted abuse at him , an act expected from gougers , he was arrested , and the incident was treated as a case of indecent exposure .
17 It involves visits to the homes of children who are either convicted offenders , children at special risk , or who have recently been involved in trouble and have come to the attention of the police .
18 Materialism has until recently been virtually unknown in Confucian societies .
19 He says : ‘ Although the medal has only recently been created , it was a proud and memorable day when we went to the Polish Embassy in London to receive it . ’
20 In a similar vein there has recently been a whole range of studies of pre-industrial states by anthropologists , largely in terns of class analysis .
21 Yet the power of the press within sport has until recently been severely circumscribed .
22 These buildings are now almost equally at risk from insensitive conversion as they are from demolition because a softening in the attitude of local planning authorities towards proposals for change of use of agricultural buildings has recently been encouraged by central government in an attempt to ameliorate the worsening financial circumstances of farmers .
23 An example of such a conversion , in which the former windmill is only partly recognisable , has recently been completed at Ramsey , Cambridgeshire ( Fig 54 ) .
24 In the other main cities of Scotland , where most city-centre residents are flat-dwellers , tenements being the predominant residential building type , several other large commercial or industrial buildings have recently been converted into dwelling complexes .
25 It has only recently been recognised by MAFF experts , and media coverage has been misleading .
26 Doctors in the UK have recently been warned that RSI may soon reach epidemic proportions as public recognition increases and compensation becomes a reality .
27 He had been visiting a youth club in Lewisham , where twenty-four members , all black , had recently been arrested on mugging charges .
28 Abdul Haq , a mujahedin commander , has recently been given the task of bringing peace and security in the areas liberated from government control .
29 The rubies come from there and the area has recently been fought over .
30 There must be some question as to how reliable the East German troops would be in such a situation , bearing in mind that most of them are conscripts , and that about 30,000 of them have recently been released from military service to man understaffed factories .
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