Example sentences of "giving her " in BNC.

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1 Speaking as the operation began , Mr Barnett thanked the person who gave permission for the donation : ‘ I know that Aisling , even if she does not survive , would want me to express my eternal gratitude to them for giving her the chance to live . ’
2 She nearly slipped into a ditch and he pulled her out , giving her that ‘ I 'd like to fuck you ’ look .
3 Yet he showed a certain reluctance to touch her , just giving her a few social kisses , one or two , on meeting or parting .
4 He kept a bedside diary giving her up to five stars a day for it .
5 At least you 'll be able to choose where you go , Mum had said , giving her the day as a treat .
6 Giving her a polite , mechanical smile she went on milking , waiting for an explanation .
7 If she were his mother , and he let himself be shot without giving her a last chance of looking into his eyes ?
8 ‘ By the by , you giving her her vitamins ?
9 They lend her the viability of shared experience , giving her the confidence to shrug her shoulders when she feels like it .
10 A delicious tide of powerful rage surged within her , giving her the courage to slap his face hard , right on the place where her spittle had landed .
11 But he denies harassing Miss Donna Van Den Berghen , 21 , by putting his arm around her , touching her breasts and giving her a bear hug in front of colleagues .
12 When the ‘ Wolf ’ catches her he may obey the laws of the game and avoid physically hurting her , but giving her a momentary fright is a legitimate part of the game .
13 The weight of the matching necklace was already giving her a headache .
14 She was still wearing her apron which , evidently , she had been using to wipe away her tears ; as a result there were grease marks all over her face , giving her the appearance of a participant in a minstrel show .
15 There she was lying on the floor with Bonfire of the Vanities under her head and me giving her a gentle kneading — spelt with a ‘ k ’ dear — and we were getting quite absorbed when all of a sudden the door flew open and in he came .
16 At the same time he proclaimed Urraca as Queen , giving her the status she would normally have attained if she were actually his consort .
17 He grinned , giving her a glass .
18 And I certainly do n't want you giving her a bath .
19 ‘ Of course , that 's it , chérie , ’ said Lapointe , putting an arm round the fräulein and giving her a squeeze .
20 The afternoon sun highlighted her blonde hair which hung around her shoulders in reckless abandon , giving her a wild untamed loveliness which took his breath away .
21 And the marriage is likely to be far happier than if she is working flat out while she is at home and blaming her husband for giving her no help .
22 Her people are giving her a car for Christmas — Susan , you 're not listening ! ’
23 ‘ I 'll see you on Saturday , same time , same place , ’ Edward said giving her a quick peck and pushing her up the steps of the bus .
24 No one not in the profession would know for sure whether the assassin had accepted or refused the job ; and no one except the contact and , in this case , the client , would know for sure exactly who was responsible for the messy death of Seren Haminh , probably about fifty hours from now , when the hunger would be rising again and giving her a few hours to sleep the first ecstasy off .
25 He took her virginity with care , giving her so much ecstatic joy in the taking that she scarcely noticed pain .
26 Unlike many of the top jockeys , he found time to talk to Kelly without giving her the immediate impression that he wanted to sleep with her , although if his reputation was only half true then he did .
27 In spite of this show of gruff disapproval , he was giving her one last chance .
28 Samson roared , giving her a stinging blow across the ear .
29 The sight and smell of the waterfront drew her as always , giving her enough courage to slip across to Broad Quay .
30 Will smiled , giving her a squeeze .
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