Example sentences of "round [verb] " in BNC.

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1 She thought of the local cemetery : if they all woke up , they 'd come round demanding their houses back ; they 'd have to be sheltered and fed and appeased with promises .
2 I mean they do it just do n't make an effort they just come round demanding money .
3 I sometimes think , he wrote , that if in one sense I am back in the nursery trying to make a big toy with nothing but wood and string , in another I am back in the classroom fiddling with bunsen burners while Mr Alexander walks round sniffing with his long distinguished nose in the air .
4 The father was just moving round to sit at the head of the table when the mother came sweeping out of the kitchen carrying a huge plate piled high with eggs and sausages and bacon and tomatoes .
5 He had stopped prowling to lift a dining chair from its place beside a circular dining table , swinging it round to sit astride it , resting his arms along its back and meeting Gina 's quizzical gaze with a rueful smile .
6 ‘ No one could possibly call you Miss Frostbite if they saw you now , ’ he drawled and , moving round to sit at his desk , he handed her back her spectacles .
7 Ken Corduroy drove round to the Harrisons ' with an ingenious pool-cleaning device , a mechanical object that swam round scrubbing at the walls , he had ordered for them from England .
8 All the things are out on counters and you go round helping yourself . ’
9 She snatched Whizzo 's head round to go back in .
10 I turned round to go , but things were blurring again and I misjudged the turn and banged my head against the edge of the door .
11 But you 've got to do the right kind of exercise to get the effect er and again when you come to stamina it 's got to be , you 've got to have a bit of the all round to go with the stamina .
12 It really is I mean I I still feel guilty and it might sound daft to you , but I still feel guilty and what would my have done about I was down in London a few weeks ago for a meeting and I was coming back on the sleeper and I got the train to Euston and erm I came out at the wrong spot , so I had to walk out of Euston Underground and then round to go to Euston Station rather than going through
13 One round to go and only two points separated the top four teams .
14 But it 's no way , I mean it was a really wet morning at quarter to seven , it had been raining , and he was right behind a lorry , and he , he , the lorry went to go one way and the he did n't go back because he knew he was going one way and the guy was going the other , he just started to go round to go to the left and bike was just there , he had no way of seeing him or he .
15 I turned round to see who it was and immediately recognised Jim .
16 I turned round to see who was speaking , it was the Corporal who had mentioned Lovat being wounded .
17 I can hear a woman calling ‘ Benjy , Benjy ’ and I turn round to see what 's up .
18 I have a look round to see if Simon 's there , but I ca n't see him .
19 Mungo spun round to see a thin , stooped figure in blue dungarees .
20 One day the social worker from the hospital came round to see if Mary was all right .
21 ‘ I thought I 'd drop round to see Irena after work , ’ she said .
22 ‘ I 'm — ’ She looked round to see no one was in earshot , then mumbled the words quickly out of the corner of her mouth as if they were not really her responsibility : , I 'm sorry . ’
23 I turn round to see a trail of spit running down the length of my left shoulder-blade .
24 If someone touched him from behind on a crowded Saturday night he would push himself back onto the anonymous hand , just like a cat would , without turning round to see who it was .
25 ‘ However , on the day in question I turned round to see a car coming slowly towards me , and I stepped aside .
26 Turning her head round to see what the pain could be , Pepita had seen the spider scuttle back into the crate from which she had been thrown with the bananas .
27 The result is that riders who want to avoid heatstroke have to wear as little as possible under their jackets and most of us men have n't got used to innocently looking round to see someone undoing her jacket to reveal nothing but a clingy bra underneath !
28 Most of us men have n't got used to innocently looking round to see someone undoing her jacket to reveal nothing but a clingy bra underneath .
29 Only when he was safely inside the Passat did he look round to see if he had been observed .
30 Then , not daring to glance round to see whether the cows were coming after her , she put one foot on the pedal , pushed off with the other , and began to ride away .
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