Example sentences of "appears to " in BNC.

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1 AI is concerned that the Tunisian Government , by its failure to investigate allegations of torture brought to its notice , appears to be condoning the use of torture .
2 Olivier Nwaha Binya'a appears to be held in indefinite administrative detention without any opportunity to challenge his imprisonment .
3 Unfortunately , increased use of the death penalty appears to be the most popular solution .
4 Its main function , however , appears to be to present a better image of Sri Lanka to the outside world .
5 In a different sort of context , what appears to be an abstract design , devoid of reference to the natural world , may in fact be a stylisation of a person , an animal or an imagined figure .
6 Salim leaves them , takes off on the first of a series of ‘ flights ’ , and treks to the interior , to a country which appears to be compounded of the Congo and of Uganda , in order to earn a living from a store which he has acquired from a man whose daughter he is expected to marry one day .
7 A split appears to be spoken of in the conversation from which I have just quoted : formed by the past , he is also deformed by it .
8 This appears to be a key point , but it is one that is left controversial .
9 It appears to be increasingly the case that there are two major traditions of identity perception among protestant loyalists .
10 The cause in both cases appears to be the strength of catholic — nationalist and protestant — loyalist popular consciousness and the way in which the cultural and material interests of the subordinate classes appear to be represented by the alliances themselves and their institutions .
11 This appears to be the first contradiction which the bishops later sought to resolve by withdrawing from the direct contact method .
12 There appears to be no creative public vision which will help the survival of the pub or help ensure a healthy and varied pub stock .
13 An angel appears to them .
14 ( a ) At this stage , the technique appears to be a front kick
15 We have to view a stimulus for a finite time before it generates a perception , but that perception appears to us to occur instantaneously rather than fading into view like the Cheshire cat . )
16 Since the work of S. S. Stevens in the 1930s and later , it has been recognized that , although the Weber-Fechner Law holds for many sorts of sensory experience , the exponent varies widely ; nevertheless , the principle of a quantitative correlation between external stimulus , neural activity and experienced sensation remains intact and now appears to be well-established .
17 This confirms many readers ' views and , since woodworkers keep tool and machinery suppliers in business , it seems to me that somebody on the supply side should justify what appears to be gross profiteering .
18 Tone is the amount of light a surface reflects and so determines how ‘ light ’ or ‘ dark ’ that surface appears to the viewer .
19 Pond snail in monteray pine David Morgan ( or Ned ) is one of the rate sorts of person who always appears to be happy and cheerful , making him the natural leader of the Devon branch of the British Woodcarvers Association .
20 Employee fundraising appears to be an increasingly popular option and whilst it involves a lot more work than a straight donation it has the ability to generate longer term grass roots support amongst employees .
21 ( By 1988 the Italian Railways had produced a tilting train — the Pendolino — which appears to be successful . )
22 Nor does it resemble the bravura footing of Kitri in the Don Quixote pas de deux or the passages in Ashton 's Ondine where his ballerina appears to be floating through water .
23 The BMC 's management committee , faced with what appears to be a fait accompli , must now decide what action , if any , can be taken .
24 With regard to the debate about c and Doppler shifts in the letters pages , light ( velocity c ) reflected or emitted from a surface moving with velocity v towards an observer appears to be blue shifted , or red shifted in the case of a receding surface .
25 At least this appears to be the conclusion of epidemiological studies about weak electro-magnetic exposure and cancer .
26 Heredia wants to be poetic and hard ; the hardness appears to him as a virtue in the poetic .
27 THE gentlemanly war between the British Insurance and Investment Brokers Association ( BIIBA ) and the Financial Intermediaries , Managers and Brokers Regulatory Association ( Fimbra ) appears to be escalating .
28 The decision to look for a significant equity partner appears to be Virgin 's attempt to keep out of the clutches of the five majors while remaining a credible force in the worldwide music business .
29 It has suffered a severe blow to trading confidence and the only glimmer of hope for the shares appears to be the prospect of a takeover .
30 Eurotunnel appears to be hanging on only by the skin of its teeth .
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