Example sentences of "walked out " in BNC.

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1 He finds it difficult to describe his feelings and says at first ‘ I just walked out . ’
2 I walked out of the village , got to the main road , turned right instead of left and here I am .
3 One job has led to another but I do remember a particular film audition which I walked out of , much to the concern of everyone , my agent , and the casting director .
4 We walked out into the sun together and across to the school hall .
5 She shut the book and walked out , down Camden High Street , Hampstead Road , past knots of schoolchildren in uniforms , prams , and grocers with horse-drawn carts .
6 I walked out of the hospital and did n't go back . ’
7 Watched from above by proscenium cherubs , and in the spirit of One Nation first enunciated by Disraeli and all that , Michael Stardust held forth , he who walked out of the Cabinet and resigned .
8 A Pakistani called Jansher Khan is the champion , and they will not give him his prize money because he walked out of the official dinner .
9 On 9 January 1986 Heseltine dramatically walked out of a full Cabinet and resigned in the full glare of televisual attention .
10 People who could not bear it walked out .
11 — and thirty or forty people walked out .
12 With special affection I remember the metro railway enthusiasts who , confronted by rigorous structuralist films or scenes of sexual and scatalogical excess , walked out of the cinema in baffled confusion during the first NFT International Underground Film Festival and indignantly demanded their money back after having booked for a whole season of what seemed like fascinating specialist delights : German Underground , American Underground , Italian Underground .
13 And I walked out
14 The other guys all left and she walked out with me .
15 Finally on 1 May 1974 , while other workers in Leicester were demonstrating their militancy with May Day strikes , 39 Asian workers walked out of section 61 at Imperial Typewriters .
16 I walked out and my son Sunil was behind me — he walked out too .
17 I walked out and my son Sunil was behind me — he walked out too .
18 But when I walked out I saw them standing outside .
19 With his head lowered , Vincent walked out and padded heavily up the stairs .
20 Vincent walked out into the middle of the road and stood there , his eyes fixed on the distant comer around which the hearse had disappeared .
21 Unions sources said last night that they think the move could have a knock-on effect at other firms , and could be seized on by unions at Ford — where the company has so far resisted demands to reduce the 39-hour working week , and whose workers at Southampton walked out yesterday in protest at the company 's pay offer .
22 Nine years ago when the pair met in Montreal , Leonard taunted his opponent to the limits of frustration and Duran walked out after eight rounds calling : ‘ No mas . ’
23 His leading ministers walked out on him because of his heavy-handed behaviour .
24 Police were yesterday searching for Mr Eric Cooke , aged 44 , who walked out of Bradford Royal Infirmary , West Yorkshire , on December 23 in pyjamas and a black leather jacket after brain surgery .
25 ‘ I 'll give you a ring later ’ , he said , and with Hermione Farthingale , David Bowie just walked out of my life .
26 He said ‘ Hell ’ to me when he walked in and ‘ Thank you ’ when it was all over and he walked out .
27 They walked out into a cold , bright day , into one of the labyrinthine streets by the side of Westminster Abbey , straight into a column of knickerbockered children chattering hard and sweeping all before them .
28 Across the street , a woman walked out of Oz for Hair and went into Happy Days Health Foods .
29 I also had fierce battles with Peter Rees , while Peter 's successor , John MacGregor , maintained that I was the only minister who almost walked out of one of his ‘ bilaterals ’ .
30 One day I walked out of the house , leaving all my possessions .
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