Example sentences of "let's [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Holyoak believes that the council has been bamboozled into adopting LET's monolithic scheme which has had outline planning permission for the last year .
2 Let's right ?
3 There must be countless ways to cover a wall but let's narrow it down to the three basic choices : paint , paper or fabric .
4 Five thousand in a box , no , oh I see let's half a box , yeah that 's right
5 Many readers of his apologetics must have been disconcerted by me fact that his chapter about conversion in Beyond Personality is entitled ‘ Let's Pretend ’ .
6 This latter piece was very much a response to Roy Hattersley 's article , ‘ Let's Pretend Politics ’ ( The Listener , 23 June 1988 ) which had totally denounced the programme 's politics as ‘ fantasy as distinct from political thought ’ .
7 First he takes the city council to task for presenting the LET scheme as a fait accompli , criticising it for ‘ accepting without question LET's objective of redevelopment in the form of 500-metre-long , inward-looking building ’ .
8 Oh well let's well
9 Let's all do our best to give UNICEF the funds they need .
10 Let's all wipe our eyes . ’
11 ‘ Now let's all do it .
12 ‘ Now let's all try it , ’ he said .
13 Let's all go , ’ said Elinor , hooking Nigel and Otley with her arms .
14 Speak up , big fellow , let's all be hearing it . ’
15 Let's all go down the Motorway
16 Let's all have a laugh : I 'm going to suspend my regular practice of not naming the derelicts who write in to this page , and tell the world that your full name is
17 Let's all go to Burleigh Heads [ in Queensland ] and take over the place for their best month .
18 Let's not have a sniffle , let's all have a bloody good cry ,
19 We were moored for a minute , then ‘ Let's all get the hell out of here , ’ said the man in the wheelhouse and like lightning the young lad untied the rope and jumped aboard as the boat reversed astern .
20 Let's all go into a back-yard . ’
21 Let's all go to my house , and we 'll clean the wee man .
22 ‘ Right then , ’ Mr Grovey bellowed , ‘ I 'll call out an instruction like this ; ‘ Let's all hop on one leg , ’ OK ? .
23 Whenever an instruction starts with the words ‘ Let's all ’ everyone MUST do it .
24 Right then , ‘ Let's all touch all four walls of the drama studio . ’ ‘
25 It was all right , so he pointed at Darren , who after a moment 's thought said , ‘ Let's all take our shoes off ’ — which we did , amidst much good humoured nose-holding .
26 So far so good , but Mr Grovey then pointed at David Smith ( 'Daz' ) , who without the need for any thought whatever said , ‘ Let's all throw our shoes at Mr Grovey . ’
27 ‘ I am in a crazy mood today so let's all do the verse without the words ’ .
28 Let's all get together over Christmas .
29 ‘ And let's all try like mad to stay together , shall we ? ’
30 ‘ Then let's all close our eyes and wish like mad for the WVS lady and her trolley to materialize right here in front of us like a dear little fat fairy . ’
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