Example sentences of "fair be " in BNC.

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1 But just how fair are they ?
2 School parties wishing to take part in the Fair are invited to contact Houlgate Village on York [ 0904 ] 689966 .
3 But there are twelve fewer non-North American galleries this year , and forty-two dealers nearly twenty-five per cent of the fair are here for the first time .
4 Arrangements for exhibitors at the 1993 fair are being streamlined in an attempt to create the best possible climate for business .
5 The goods sold in the fair are a true reflection of the contrasts in modern Bolivian society .
6 Oh bloody fair are n't you ? she 'd might never have known whose giving fair .
7 Brentford has a colourful history , its Market and Fair being recorded at the beginning of the fourteenth century , when the area was referred to as ‘ the Manor of Bratnford ’ .
8 As already noted , the dances Fokine staged for the nursemaids , coachmen and others at the Fair were ‘ real dances ’ ( see page 59 ) .
9 While the preparations for the fair were in progress , the young man made his way from the green to The Drover 's Arms by way of Lulling Woods .
10 Although twilight had not yet come , the lights of the fair were switched on at a quarter past six , and the first strains of music from the roundabout spread the news that Mrs Curdle 's annual fair was now open .
11 The building programmes begun by Henry III , continued under Edward I , at Westminster and the contem-poraneous development on the Ile-de-la-Cité and at the Louvre in Paris under Louis IX and Philip the Fair were similar in intention .
12 The situation will sort itself out when the city reopens Navy Pier , the fair 's preferred location .
13 He said : ‘ I think this fair 's a good idea .
14 ‘ The new dimension of digital information has already acquired enormous economic significance and made lasting changes to the face of publishing , ’ says Helmut von der Lahr , head of the fair 's international department .
15 Mind you , fair 's fair : they went after him just as much as he went after them — he were a good-looking chap , well set-up , like .
16 I mean , fair 's fair int it ?
17 Well fair 's fair I were having a coffee with you , I 'm not just gon na walk out .
18 If they can have some time off I can have some time off , fair 's fair .
19 My mum 's the sort of person who 'll just argue with anything , if she thinks she 'll argue with anybody , or anything if she thinks that she 's being swindled , so like , she even went to the extent of having , they , we had an extension built , right , and she , we had it , only fair 's fair , this one particular suite , we had erm , and they , they had this absolutely massive bathroom built , okay not specifically to have a nicer bathroom , but to have a very big room and erm , so they had two sinks , this sounds real extravagant , erm ,
20 The fair is being sponsored by Catering Update in association with Caterer & Hotelkeeper .
21 This year 's five-day fair is the biggest so far , with 8,189 exhibitors from 93 countries ; the organisers expect 220,000 visitors .
22 Yes , it 's Fair Week all right , but the fair is only celebrated at the weekends now , when they sell the horses .
23 Some of the familiar fun of the election fair is still there .
24 The fair is to be kept ‘ … upon the fourth day of July , being St Martin 's Day , and so to continue for the space of seven days … ’ , but the date changed to the 15th July when the Gregorian Calendar was adopted .
25 He does not say that ‘ fair is foul ’ , like the witches in Macbeth .
26 The contemporary art fair is short of major international dealers this year
27 As last year , the fair is sponsored by Nordstern Art Insurance Ltd .
28 The fact that the London fair is comparatively small ( twenty-nine dealers compared to the eighty or so in New York ) also works in its favour : at this size it is just about possible to look at every print on every stand .
29 Mr Campbell was inspired to set up the fair by the publication last year of an Arts Council pamphlet which gave names and addresses of those producing books in Britain at the present and his fair is concentrating on British work .
30 Neatly coinciding with the fair is the publication of a new book , Facing the Page : the artist and the book , by Silvie Turner , published by Estamp which provides details of those working in this field in Britain at present and the projects currently underway as well as summarising the work of the last decade .
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