Example sentences of "developed and " in BNC.

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1 But talent can be developed and trained and provide a sound basis for you to give of the best there is inside you .
2 The sense of solidarity has developed and hardened over the years .
3 This promising approach to pest control is in its infancy , but varieties that are less attractive to certain pests are constantly being developed and tested .
4 The waistline is usually the first area where fat accumulates , and so the presence of well developed and well defined abdominals is an obvious sign of an excellent physical state .
5 Lifetimes of commitment explores the ways in which political belief is developed and sustained throughout the course of a lifetime .
6 It is particularly appropriate in the case of a ballet that tells a story where the libretto has to be set out in such a way that the action can be logically developed and each item roughly timed .
7 As music and musical instruments developed and became more flexible , so did the dance .
8 On the first occasion , when a clear moonlight night was forecast , the most atrocious storm developed and we were forced to spend an uncomfortable few hours benighted near the summit of Elidir Fawr .
9 Switching to another bit of spectrum means new radios and transmitters have to be developed and installed .
10 Two systems for engineering a ‘ human ’ insulin were developed and most patients have been switched to these engineered products .
11 It 's the second car designed , developed and manufactured in collaboration with its part-owner , Honda .
12 There are , no doubt , many modern methods of construction , including far-reaching standardisation and various forms of prefabrication , which , developed and applied over years , would produce permanent and substantial economies .
13 ‘ It is a craft that has to be learned , developed and finally mastered . ’
14 The Lelands stayed to carry on their work but friction quickly developed and , four months after the take-over the Lelands quit .
15 A British megaton weapon had been developed and would shortly be tested .
16 Human pressures on the Amazon , however , are intense , and the dolphin 's habitat is being rapidly developed and degraded .
17 Another of his blinding headaches had developed and he felt a tight sensation in his chest , which made breathing very painful and difficult .
18 When radiocarbon dating was developed and first used in the late 1940s and 1950s , the complexities of the technique were not fully appreciated .
19 This book was born out of the Channel 4 Television series of the same name , and so I would like to thank my friend and colleague Susan Eatwell Conte , with whom the original idea was developed and who produced the series .
20 The existence of a specialist team , it may be argued , provides a clearer opportunity for a specific model of service to be developed and implemented .
21 Ideas developed and tested in the field should also command attention and in this paper we highlight one , highly pertinent , innovation in social care .
22 Moreover , especially as monies became tight , much new provision was actually developed and provided within local communities using resources other than those available within the social services department itself .
23 This continues to be the case in all the countries we studied , although their potential is rarely fully developed and utilized .
24 The social service jobs that can be developed and filled most easily are , of course , those at the paraprofessional level .
25 The literature is well developed and offers a wealth of suggestions .
26 PA has developed and is installing a real-time expert system to monitor the operation of BP Chemicals ' butadiene plant at Grangemouth in Scotland , to provide operators with advice and priorities for corrective action .
27 Using microorganisms in the disposal of hazardous waste is now being developed and this could provide the way forward in cleaning up this toxic legacy .
28 In the head the segmental receptors are especially developed and differentiated into sense organs responding to environmental stimuli emanating often at a distance from the animal .
29 Successive levels of integration , each more fully developed and dependent on more complex mechanisms , have succeeded one another throughout the evolution of the animal kingdom .
30 The iron pan ( Bf horizon ) is generally weakly developed and discontinuous .
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