Example sentences of "decided [conj] " in BNC.

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31 The Tribunal decided that the mental condition was attributable to service and allowed the Appeal .
32 Even Geoffrey Fisher decided that he was eccentric .
33 He decided that for him to sit back and imagine , to follow a Bensonian way and be a dilettante among refined ideas , was an actual temptation .
34 Afterwards he decided that his intense preoccupation with politics and the Liberal Party had not represented his true conviction .
35 Farrer decided that he was a born don .
36 Ramsey thought this an injustice ; he decided that his bishop was vague and naïve in his theology , someone who took up new ideas with enthusiasm and with very little precision of thought ; and yet he saw that the bishop disliked controversy and was hurt by it , and thought him to be a friend and a man of prayer .
37 He decided that this clergyman was in the clouds and out of the reach of the common man .
38 He decided that they would not .
39 ( Notice the change which the Durham professorship , and Joan 's coming , wrought — in 1940 no one could conceive of this absent-minded man as a bishop , and six or seven years later the electors to the see of Edinburgh mulled over his name and decided that it would not do , and five years after that both archbishops and the prime minister 's office were agreed that he would be a very good bishop . )
40 They decided that it could only be because Joan 's health was so poor in the fens that the professor was forced to move .
41 Garbett decided that no one after himself ought to be made to live in a château like Bishopthorpe .
42 The British Cabinet committee , meeting on 14 November , turned down the US idea , proposing instead a 50–50 division of frequency of traffic on the North Atlantic ; but the following day it decided that the fifth freedom should be accepted , subject to safeguards .
43 Anita encouraged him to go and decided that while he was away , running a shop would be a less demanding occupation than working all hours in a restaurant .
44 Here Marx and Engels decided that the understanding of man depends on the understanding of men in society and history , not on understanding philosophical controversy Pre-Capitalist Economic Formations , 1857–8 The next work of Marx and Engels , after The German Ideology , to discuss the history of human society was The Communist Manifesto of 1848 .
45 It was on the basis of this kind of observation that Morgan decided that there once existed in Polynesia a social order when sexual relations within one generation were so unspecific that all men of the ascending generation were ‘ fathers ’ and all women of the ascending generation were ‘ mothers ’ .
46 Still , it sobered us a bit , and after we had taken several more shots we decided that we needed some sleep , to try to get our minds back in gear .
47 It is all up to you — and I decided that I was never going to say anything to her because I had done it all on my own .
48 Looking at the branched hanging lamp of teak and smoky glass , the velvet curtains and the big colour television set , Wexford decided that Hatton had done his wife proud .
49 From the start , the participants decided that firm agreements should be made in advance in writing .
50 Mr Scaife decided that Mr Saunders , now unemployed , had deliberately deprived himself of cash resources .
51 ‘ We thought about the format , ’ said David Llewellyn , ‘ and we decided that the rule for the day was to keep two balls in play off the tee .
52 The federal government decided that exports of vegetables were contributing to the soaring inflation rate , and banned them .
53 ‘ John Aldridge and I , who live in the same village , decided that we would try to print our own designs by the roll from our own blocks .
54 THE simultaneous publication by national newspapers of a common code of practice and declaration of principles was postponed last night after the chairman and editors of Express Newspapers decided that they needed more time to examine the proposals .
55 Coventry decided that it would cost more to contest the claim than pay it ; so Clarkson will get £74 for the party 's four tickets and travelling expenses .
56 This was the day when I decided that I 'd had enough .
57 IT SEEMS appropriate to end the Eighties with the band that decided that this decade was quite enough .
58 The business was put up for auction two months ago when Whitbread decided that its spirits operation , including brands such as Long John Scotch , Laphroaig malt whisky , Burrough 's mixed doubles and Beefeater gin , was too small to compete with the giants of the industry like Grand Metropolitan 's IDV , Guinness ' United Distillers and Allied-Lyons ' Hiram Walker Allied Vintners .
59 They decided that her objections to adoption were not unreasonable and dismissed an appeal by the local authority against a county court judge 's rejection of its adoption proposal on the grounds that it was premature .
60 But is it also realistic to assume that the West might tolerate it if Mr Gorbachev decided that the Romanian people , not unlike the people of Panama , deserve to enjoy democracy , and that the Soviet Union should send some of its military across the border to dispose of the Ceausescu family and their killer Securitas forces ?
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