Example sentences of "method for " in BNC.

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1 If every type of glider required a different recovery there would be the risk of a pilot using the wrong method for the type of aircraft .
2 Pelvic infection It is particularly important to tell your doctor about any pelvic infections , ‘ salpingitis ’ or sexually transmitted disease you have had in the past , as this may affect the choice of contraceptive method for you .
3 A once-and-for-all method for couples who are absolutely sure they have completed their family .
4 A once-and-for-all method for couples who are absolutely sure they have completed their family .
5 The UCLA team has refined the method for manufacturing sample of potassium- and rubidium-doped buckyball compounds so that the entire sample is superconducting .
6 We have got to work towards a situation where burning is no longer the routine disposal method for getting rid of surplus straw . ’
7 In fact , they exhibited all the satisfaction of someone who has hit upon a method for causing water to flow uphill .
8 Following the poem 's ritualistic treatment of history and treating it in accord with Eliot 's method for ritual 's interpretation , if we take ‘ enough cross-sections to interpret a process ’ , and the poem invites us to do so , then we must be aware of a general downward movement .
9 But Oxford match secretary Steve Pipkin , who is pegging the length , reckons the team who can best sort out a method for the small fish will win on the day .
10 He uses the conventional method for these parts .
11 Before a successful method for dieting is assumed to have been found it must be realized that the effects were small and that the difference might reflect the greater energy expended by those who ate in the morning .
12 It is now being adapted to give the Met its first method for running cost accounting in 150 years .
13 The Administration of Estates Act 1925 has provided a uniform method for the administration of all the property of a deceased person .
14 A more efficient method for detecting 14 C is to measure the number of atoms present , or a proportion of them , by mass spectrometry .
15 Many plants spread naturally in this way , their flexible stems arching down and rooting where they rest on the ground , and gardeners have adopted this method for woody subjects otherwise difficult to propagate .
16 This is a particularly convenient method for large houseplants , or a group of small specimens , providing ample humidity as long as the peat is kept constantly moist .
17 ‘ That would make a dandy new method for murder . ’
18 Accordingly , the AKT was administered during the first and last of the group sessions and constituted a straightforward method for evaluating the success of the first course objective : specifically , to increase participants ' alcohol knowledge so that future alcohol use can be more informed and therefore more prudent .
19 In 1975–76 the cycloaracylation process , a new general method for making quinolone and azaquinolonecarboxylic acids substituted at position 1 , was developed while working on synthesising heterocyclic compounds by cycloacylating tautomeric enamines and enhydrazines with bifunctional acylating agents .
20 It provides a standard method for treating contaminated soils , sands , and solids ; it provides treatment for surface contamination , while other methods are more suited to subsurface treatment ; and it also requires a relatively low level of technology , meaning less can go wrong with the process .
21 With the formulation by Schrödinger in 1925 of the wave equation for an electron , it was clear that a solution to it could pave the way to a direct quantitative predictive method for most , if not all , chemical phenomena by using the values of a small number of physical constants .
22 Before me is a reprint from the Analyst of 1941 in which Grant discussed recent work and a new method for deciphering charred documents .
23 The resulting plants are likely to be better because there is minimal root disturbance , and each seedling has a generous amount of compost without competition — but the number of seedlings you can raise at once will be very limited , so use this method for plants like tomatoes , where you do n't need many , or those worth special treatment , such as bedding geraniums .
24 This first breakthrough comes in 1937 when the chapter in Chronic Diseases called ‘ Concerning the technical part of Homœopathy ’ describes the new plussing method for administering centesimal potencies .
25 Another method for dosing ‘ careful ’ patients is also suggested in the same chapter whereby the pellet is dissolved in 200 ( approx.8ml ) , 300 ( 12ml ) or 400 drops ( 16ml ) of a 50% brandy solution , depending on whether it is to be weaker or stronger , and one , two , three or several drops , according to the irritability of the patient , are dropped into a cup containing a tablespoon of water .
26 An agreement on a method for choosing between perfectionist principles can not be ruled out on the grounds that the methods of evaluating different ideals are themselves subject to evaluative controversy .
27 At the time of Mozart 's birth Leopold was working on his Versuch einer gründlichen Violinschule [ Treatise on the fundamentals of violin-playing ] , a highly important theoretical and practical treatise , published later that year ( 2 ) ; it remained the standard violin method for a considerable time , both in the original German and in various translations .
28 Simple pre-exposure may be assumed to be an effective method for reducing associability because it allows the rapid formation either of a strong stimulus — no event association or of associations among stimulus elements , just as consistent reinforcement allows the rapid formation of a strong CS-US association .
29 The third method for assessing the effects of exposure is one in which the subjects are required to learn a discrimination between pre-exposed stimuli ( or between the pre-exposed stimulus and some other ) .
30 Dr Hari considers that the careful structuring in Conductive Education is a suitable method for all children 's learning .
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