Example sentences of "remember [be] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ The two I particularly remember are building the new stand at Ascot and the construction of Central Point in London . ’
2 So achieving Marchbanks was a gradual and thoughtful affair — I remember being taken aside by the director and given a whole day after we had been rehearsing for two weeks and simply talking together about the play and about ourselves which was the real making of the part over the next weeks of final rehearsal .
3 I remember being insanely jealous of Sarah when she got married .
4 Around then I also got hold of a folk album by Pete Seeger and I remember being really struck by a track called ‘ Goofing Off Suite ’ .
5 But I remember being happy just staring at all the people passing by .
6 I remember being highly amused at his rendering of a young rook 's cry whilst gobbling a worm : it was perfectly true to nature … .
7 As his book is mainly about the south , perhaps it had died out in Andalusia , though even there I remember being startled by its male authority as I walked past a café in Seville .
8 I remember being in La Scala , Milan , during the war .
9 I remember being given some caviar once when we were in Russia — wrapped in newspaper because they had no containers to put it in !
10 I remember being pretty shy at school and I think I still am .
11 It was the 1730s before the government stumped up compensation for those whose houses had been damaged or destroyed and among them was one James Sharp , ancestor of Jane , my great-grandmother , whom I still remember being taken to visit as a child .
12 ‘ I remember being fascinated by the story when I worked for a while in the Royal Library .
13 ‘ I remember being surprised that he was robbing us , ’ said the woman victim .
14 I remember being amazed at the size of the placenta , which resembled a football and the lack of discomfort which accompanied its arrival .
15 I remember being at my desk and telling her , ‘ Even if you do n't hear me typing it does n't mean I 'm not writing … . ’
16 In one very vivid dream , I remember being shot in the lower back and although it was only a dream we had to swim under a sort of submerged wall in order to escape . ’
17 I remember being very excited by his round but he took it all calmly , quietening me down .
18 I remember being thrilled when I got the first whicker of recognition from my horse and most people feel happier and more confident riding a horse they know — even if it is n't well behaved !
19 During the fifties ignorance about Black people was rife : I remember being asked on many occasions , as a child , if I had lived in the jungle , if my parents ate cat food or even people .
20 I remember being with him when a drunken drug addict , brought to his door by Sgt. Hendry , broke away and lunged at Chief Fyvie bringing up his hand-cuffed wrists to strike the chief in the face .
21 In the early 40s I remember being at the Hilker house off South Granville Street when Yehudi Menuhin was in town for a concert .
22 I remember being glad that my father had a job which did not need him to climb ladders .
23 I am an incurable romantic and remember being captivated by this image of the ‘ lovecarriage ’ feast held in the yard of Prue Sarn 's farm in Precious Bane .
24 The Dents owned the very first car in Baldersdale and that created quite a stir I remember being at school when they first drove it round the place and the teacher brought us all out on to the road to have a closer look at this amazing thing .
25 I remember being present when a team of 100 was commissioned at the Anaheim Vineyard in California to plant a new church in the Los Angeles area .
26 I remember being unable to connect those grainy breasts and pubic hair with anything in my own life — flesh , for instance — but the image gave me a mysterious frisson which I mistakenly took for sex .
27 I expect you remember being taken and fetched each day — some four or five miles — sometimes by me and sometimes by Ruth Donnison — and how you used to fume when we picked up the Khin Zaw 's children who were always late .
28 I remember being rather keen on Bert when I was about fifteen .
29 I remember being down there watching Amityville II alone at midnight when there was a thunderous knock on the front door .
30 ‘ I remember being a little apprehensive .
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