Example sentences of "heard from " in BNC.

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1 They were too nervous and frightened of life to react to or put into words the sounds they heard from the room where their father was sleeping with Rose .
2 I never saw him again , never heard from him .
3 ‘ My father approves of this — he never really believed all he heard from the priest . ’
4 Vienna Dear Fräulein Arandt , It is a very long time since I heard from you .
5 ‘ But nothing happened and I never heard from them . ’
6 Perhaps their uncharacteristic restraint was something to do with what they heard from the platform about BP 's business outlook .
7 Meanwhile , at Althorp Street , Mrs Sugden kept her wireless on loud and continuously , and on the morning of 10 July 1943 , I heard from our bedroom some dramatic news .
8 I never heard from Alan again .
9 The last time I heard from her she was planning to marry her live-in partner — they have been running a wholefood shop and café !
10 ‘ The wiseacres of the village ’ , so Joseph Cottle heard from Coleridge , ‘ had … made Mr. W. the subject of their serious conversation ’ and concluded that a man so given to wandering the hills at late hours ‘ like a partridge ’ , and looking strangely at the moon , must either be a conjuror , a smuggler , or worst of all ‘ a desperd French jacobin ’ who was spying out the ground for a French invasion .
11 We heard from home that Shanti and Chris had both found permanent employment , and were happy in their work , Shanti as a nursery-school assistant and Chris as a forester .
12 A story which I heard from Dad about his days at Charlton-All-Saints brought a chuckle from him as he told it but , at the time , the occasion must have been almost tragic .
13 We also heard from someone who suffered with us in the hands of Southwark Offset , which tried to modernise us in the 1960s ( Letters , p 476 ) .
14 The next morning , Kelly heard from her father .
15 This morning I heard from them again .
16 ‘ I heard from the equine laboratory in Newmarket .
17 When the disciples first heard from the women that Jesus had risen , they were incredulous : ‘ The story appeared to them to be nonsense , and they would not believe them . ’
18 This morning the British Ambassador in Berlin handed the German Government a final note stating that unless we heard from them by eleven o'clock that they were prepared at once to withdraw their troops from Poland , a state of war would exist between us .
19 ‘ You heard from his mother yet ? ’
20 ‘ After the first series I heard from somebody who was at Sandringham last Christmas and they said the young Royals really enjoyed it .
21 ‘ I heard from friends of mine that Hezbollah had lost faith in him , that he was talking to and seeing too many people .
22 To them , an approach to their daughter when she was still in mourning was ‘ indelicate ’ , a word he now heard from his mother .
23 Benny heard from Patsy that the Healys had been up to Dublin to look for a child to adopt but they had n't got one because Mr Healy had a weak chest .
24 Irish women cried as they heard from two Chilean women of the horrors being committed in post-Allende Chile .
25 We heard from the few local women who did attend how they took the law into their own hands and arranged regular supplies of contraceptives from the North .
26 Before he fired the man , Judge Shindler heard from the rest of the jury that the wayward juror had DRUNK and SWORN during the trial and DISTRACTED them while they tried to listen to the evidence .
27 He rarely heard from his mother , but he rang her each Christmas morning , wherever he was , and on her birthday , and he sent her maybe a dozen postcards a year .
28 Mrs Singh agreed to tell me when she heard from the doctor .
29 Well , I , I heard from Inspector yesterday .
30 A , the Tuesday stall was a bit debatable at the moment because what has happened is , I heard from the er from Mr Stuart that he , he thought that er could assist us and that I should go over there and see them .
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