Example sentences of "friends like " in BNC.

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1 It hurt even more that friends like Tolkien , to whom he had dedicated The Screwtape Letters , could not respond to Lewis 's effusions as ‘ Everyman 's Theologian ’ .
2 Friends like the Post Office workers who have kindly agreed to deliver this leaflet for nothing … .
3 And friends like yourself who are willing to give a child somewhere the gift of life and hope .
4 With friends like you …
5 As a boy , Seth listened in as his father chatted philosophy and poetry with friends like e e cummings , Robert Lowell , Dylan Thomas .
6 Political friends like the former Labour MP Woodrow Wyatt were rewarded with peerages , and other loyal supporters in the press also benefited .
7 They never really boasted to their friends like other people 's parents sometimes did .
8 At 27 , he started his own photographic agency and went on to make films on the proceeds , using the talents of advertising colleagues such as Alan Parker or of friends like Ray Connolly .
9 He is not at all nostalgic , but he mourns the loss of friends like the poet , Jacques Prevert .
10 But with student friends like Chana Orloff and Germaine Labaye , known as ‘ Red Bean ’ , Jeanne 's friend from the Colarossi , she could be herself , intelligent , interested in fashion , with a style of her own .
11 ‘ I think it was good to meet lots of different people but on the other hand , I have never really felt settled or had lifelong friends like most people , ’ he says .
12 ( See the first chapter , ‘ With friends like those ’ ! )
13 No , you do n't want friends like these , Steven .
14 Years later when I became chairman of the medical missions of SPG , I realised how in mission hospitals all over the world , the same devoted healing mission was being carried on , which spoke much more eloquently of divine and human love than the preaching of less qualified friends like myself .
15 She recognised that her son had not always been as attentive as expected towards his wife or the children and that he spent too much time with friends like Camilla Parker-Bowles .
17 ‘ With friends like that , who needs Fleet Street ? ’ one newsman observed .
18 My sacking hurt me , my family and my friends like hell
19 ‘ It hurt me , it hurt my family and friends like hell , ’ said Thompson .
20 ‘ But it hurt me , my family and my friends like hell .
21 ‘ It 's handy to have friends like that , ’ Hari said drily .
22 When I was in Bremen not long ago for what turned out to be a Fluxus family meeting , I felt great affection from and for old friends like Daniel Spoerri and Emmett Williams , but also the younger artists associated with the exhibition were warm and welcoming .
23 It was a meagre diet : an annual dinner for Charles 's polo playing friends , a ‘ boys only ’ evening or the occasional lunch with friends like Catherine Soames , Lady Sarah Armstrong-Jones and the then Sarah Ferguson .
24 Mrs Winston Frederick Churchill Guest , known everywhere simply as C.Z. , has always been a doyenne of taste , leading the type of international life that included friends like the Duke and Duchess of Windsor — ‘ so cute , so tiny , what a chic he had ’ — the Agnellis , Bill and Babe Paley , and the Kennedy 's ( JFK and Jackie ) .
25 He also became a familiar weekend guest with friends like the Morleys , the Reads and the Richmonds , although his other duties were such that he was careful to ration the amount of time spent in this way : two weekends a month tended to be enough for him .
26 On other days , he tended to have lunch either at the Reform or at the Oxford and Cambridge Club ; to judge by his correspondence , there were few occasions when he happened to be " free " and he was forced to arrange regular times in order to see close friends like Herbert Read .
27 He was nothing if not practical in his dealings with the world — he insisted on proper fees for the republication of his essays , for example , and used to advise friends like Herbert Read on the amount they should charge for a lecture tour .
28 He spent one night in New York and then , nursing a cold which he had contracted on the boat , he went straight to Boston — with his relatives , in particular his two sisters and his late brother 's family , and with old friends like Emily Hale and Djuna Barnes , he could still enjoy an affectionate intimacy which he seemed to lack in England .
29 Although Valerie Eliot did not like long sea voyages since she suffered from seasickness , and Eliot complained to friends like Marion Dorn about the expense involved , they travelled to the West Indies regularly over the next five years .
30 His affection and solicitude for Dobrée , as for other old friends like Herbert Read , Philip Mairet and Frank Morley , is very touching , and he seemed now almost a grandpaterfamilias for the men who had known him so well .
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