Example sentences of "shown is " in BNC.

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1 That is to say , young children frequently draw not how a scene looks from their point of view but a good , revealing representation of it — something which further experiments have shown is not explicable by simple graphic incompetence .
2 The nominal transformation ratio n in the instance shown is 4:1 step down , but unlike some other voltage-changing schemes using capacitors , n can be any whole number ; it is not limited to powers of 2 .
3 Shown is an End-of-Year Return for an employee in not contracted-out employment paying standard-rate contributions .
4 This time axis shown is for radiation .
5 Usually the girl shown is nothing to do with the product anyway ; the Cadbury 's Flake advert shows a pretty , pouting blonde woman wearing a slip .
6 Thus , unless the table shown is a reproduction , which it is not , it would have been made within a comparatively short period .
7 The view shown is from the side .
8 What parents are shown is also important .
9 Shown is the grey version , but they 're also available in black too .
10 What is shown is that crime-rates ( especially for property offences ) were higher during periods of unemployment than of employment .
11 What is left of what is shown is just before ,
12 Also shown is the UK Retail Price Index and the return from a Building Society higher rate account with net income reinvested .
13 The environment in which a film is shown is important .
14 what these reports have shown is that speed is of the essence and such projects should be chosen and approved far more quickly , in time for the researchers to be able to compete with rival projects .
15 Model shown is a Kalt ‘ Cyclone ’ , which has a belt-driven tail rotor .
16 Also shown is a description of the main data flows on the input side to illustrate the nature of the commands passed to the system for action .
17 Also shown is the latest in a continuing project ( shown at last year 's Documenta ) which consists of the making of blank , all-over wash drawings in the precise measurements of all of Edouard Manet 's documented paintings ( he 's up to No. 160 out of a total of 556 ) .
18 The goddess figurine from the Late Dove Goddess Sanctuary at Knossos shows a bird alighting on the goddess 's head ; perhaps what we are being shown is the ecstatic moment in a religious ceremony when the sequence of ritual acts reached its climax , and the priestess herself was transformed into the goddess .
19 Also shown is a field for the HIMU 29 subset of OIB showing highly elevated γ Os 30 .
20 Also shown is the contact from the phosphate to Asn53 and Ser54 of the B helix .
21 Also shown is the path of the DMSP-F10 satellite between 10:09 and 10:12UT .
22 DP-1 cDNA clones were frequently rearranged and the nucleotide sequence shown is from cDNAs from an F9 EC cell library .
23 What research has shown is that these tendencies to behave in certain ways are deeply embedded in past experiences .
24 The success rates for two tasks differing only in the lengths of the rod shown is again marked .
25 The success rate for the item shown is typical of those obtained and the most popular response : No , No , Yes ; given by 39 per cent of pupils suggests a view that 30 is greater than 11 so Robert is taller than Dean .
26 This House was asserting that the mere existence of a mistake of law made at some earlier stage does not vitiate the actual decision made : what must be shown is a relevant error of law , i.e. , an error in the actual making of the decision which affected the decision itself .
27 The angle shown is 40°
28 One reason that so few indicators can be shown is the all too frequent changes in the formulae used for allocation of elements of the GRE .
29 There are 2849 runs of numbers ; as given above the most in one run is 147 , and the least shown is 84 .
30 The electorate will buy what they 're shown is right , though persuading them costs a lot of bucks .
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