Example sentences of "schools because " in BNC.

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1 The implementation of liberty can stretch to keeping places of recreation closed on Sundays , upholding the rights of preachers to speak in public places even if it causes an affray , and opposing the development of catholic schools because their teachers do not communicate the Bible without priestly mediation .
2 At a fringe meeting at the Labour conference in Brighton , Mr Fletcher named three MPs who , he said , backed Muslim schools because their constituencies had ‘ been manipulated by unrepresentative fundamentalists ’ : Jack Straw ( Blackburn ) , the education spokesman ; Roy Hattersley ( Birmingham Sparkbrook ) , the deputy leader ; and Ken Livingstone ( Brent East ) .
3 Is it being introduced into the schools because of this characteristic ?
4 The promotion of ‘ service ’ , mediated via citizenship , was a constant theme throughout the debate on part-time day continuation schools because more than any other single aspect it emphasized the moral value of working conscientiously in a given occupation in order to contribute to the welfare of the community ; hence the importance of creating the ‘ adaptable ’ worker .
5 Furse concentrated on the public schools because he believed , like almost everyone else , that they provided an appropriate training in character for future rulers of native races .
6 PARDON me if I do n't break down in tears at the plight of the parents who are having to take their children out of private schools because they can not afford the fees .
7 ‘ Had to go to special schools because of it .
8 However , quite apart from the persistence of a great deal of ‘ geography of the British Isles ’ syllabuses , the new scientific and conceptual geography has not appeared in schools because of some intrinsic merit .
9 Hearnden said corporal punishment , though rare , is still legal , and added that people of all religious beliefs send their children to certain schools because of the Christian values taught .
10 We ought to split the schools because there 's quite a lot of them .
11 This can be illustrated from a wide variety of cases : the uses of literacy for social control in nineteenth century Canada , for instance , where any ‘ critical ’ element was carefully excluded ( Graff , 1979 ) ; the restriction of the content of written forms to religious tracts by the Methodist missionaries who introduced literacy to Fiji in the nineteenth century ( Clammer , 1976 ) ; the examples from British literacy campaigns that show how illiteracy developed in schools because of the class-based nature of schooling ( Mace , 1979 ) ; the uses of literacy for religious and symbolic purposes in Ghana ( Goody , 1968 ) ; the greater trust placed by thirteenth century knights in England on seals and symbols as means of legitimating charters and rights to land and their suspicion of the written document as more likely to be forged and inaccurate ( Clanchy , 1979 ) ; the development in Iranian villages of forms of literacy taught in Koranic schools into forms of literacy appropriate for commercial trading in a rapidly modernising and urbanising economy ( Section 2 ) .
12 where we were trying desperately to have schools because we had no schools when we first came here as I say .
13 He chose schools because they were usually the centre of the village activities and he hoped that the schoolmaster as well as taking care of the books would be likely to encourage both his pupils and their parents to read them .
14 Mary Carpenter , in 1851 , argued that charges would be necessary in her proposed reformatory schools because otherwise unscrupulous parents would ‘ throw the charge of their children 's bodily wants [ and ] those of their moral training … on the State ’ ( Judge and Matthews , 1980 ) .
15 Initially , the Guild has focussed its campaign on hospitals and schools because the sick and the young are usually the most vulnerable .
16 The spadefish swim faster in schools because of a slime given off by the swimming fish .
17 Thus many techniques for analysis and reaction presented through in-service training as ‘ cut flowers ’ , have failed to grow in schools because they do not make sense to the teachers once back in their schools .
18 As my hon. Friend the Member for Dartford said , in an intervention in the speech of the hon. Member for Truro ( Mr. Taylor ) , not only will it help parents to choose in those parts of the country where choice is practicable because transport is readily available , but , even in rural areas where choice is difficult , it will , for the first time , give parents better means to influence schools because they will be able to see , set out objectively , the performance of those schools .
19 Middlesex was not allowed to build or even organise multilateral schools because they would be too large if ‘ appropriate ’ education was provided .
20 She has previously been sacked from one of her schools because she slept with her pupils .
21 More so on schools because they 're closed for
22 To net to get an education beyond primary level , children have to leave their village primary schools because the terms coincide with the peak agricultural seasons .
23 Buckby wrote to every head teacher in Cleveland last year seeking support after Langbaurgh runner Adam Mead , the county champion , was prevented from running in the English Schools because the departure date of a school skiing trip was brought forward 24 hours .
24 St Augustine 's and St Bede 's in Darlington are manifestly good schools which were at risk of becoming bad schools because of overcrowding .
25 ‘ But the first to benefit will be successful church schools because they might have been discriminated against in the past , ’ said Mr Fallon .
26 The prospect that perhaps hundreds of black and Asian children may have been wrongly consigned to special schools because of a failure properly to understand their needs is one which education authorities have been reluctant to confront .
27 No I do I think that 's wise to teach them in schools because they learn the right way .
28 I will see that happening , but it is the freedom of schools to choose that is all important , and there are some particular elements of expertise which are not available to schools because it 's not available centrally , and I believe that giving schools their budgets goes a great way to meeting this .
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