Example sentences of "about so " in BNC.

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1 Times have changed dramatically for the worse in Wales , a condition brought on as much as anything by the masochistic fixture-making which has brought about so much contact between the countries since the Welsh were blacked out in the 1987 World Cup semi-final .
2 Informed sources say neither the more realistically-minded East German leaders nor the Russians believe that any sensible changes can be brought about so long as Mr Honecker , 77 , whose attitudes have become particularly rigid in recent months , is at the helm .
3 Only when they dropped or rattled something , the startled way they would look towards Moran , did the nervous tension of what it took to glide about so silently show .
4 The violence Moran had turned on her she chose to ignore , to let her own resentment drop and to join the girls as they stole about so that their presences would never challenge his .
5 She thought they must be drunk , they were weaving about so much .
6 ( The vet eventually amputated and Tulley became a different dog — getting about so much quicker . ) ;
7 ‘ We 're working on them , but everyone moved about so much except poor young Mr Vickers , who was in his workroom all the time . ’
8 ‘ The blokes prefer the night watch — they do n't get mucked about so much , ’ says Senior Hand Ted Temple , who has served at Soho for more than 20 years .
9 This pattern of land distribution reflects such great disparities and brings about so much poverty that it represents one of the major problems that agrarian reform has addressed .
10 I do turn and turn about so 's they wo n't notice . ’
11 We organized at least a dozen ‘ Letters to the Editor ’ each day — these were mainly unsolicited , but we encouraged more — and spread them about so as to appear in a number of newspapers and magazines across the country .
12 The questions can be listed in rough under the headings ( some people put each question on a card to begin with ) and then they can be moved about so as to produce what seems to be a good ‘ flow ’ for the interview .
13 In the Malayan pipe snake the tip of the tail is bright red and the sight of this little patch of colour moving about so invitingly is too much for most predators to resist .
14 Dennis was thrashing about so vigorously that even a trained lifeguard would have had difficulty in retrieving him .
15 ‘ It stops the water sloshing about so much , eh ? ’
16 ‘ He waves about so that they 're not quite straight , but he is n't the greatest moving horse in the world ’ .
17 Although I regret the reorganization that has brought about so many redundancies , I do feel it is necessary in the light of quality control .
18 There never was a time when so many could get about so quickly , comfortably , and with so little effort as we can now ( except when they were infants in arms ) .
19 His power fist was locked in wreckage … as Juron swung the body of the Emperor about so that its carapace faced the fury of the surviving Warlords .
20 It is impossible to generalize about so complicated a subject .
21 By the time IBM completed its 3090 generation and began shipping 9021s , market forces had brought about so much price erosion that the company 's mainframes were routinely offered to big customers at half of list .
22 If the telescope is mounted upon a spidery stand , it will quiver charmingly in the slightest breeze , and the image will dance about so violently that it will be useless .
23 They run about so and they make a lot of noise , you know how children do , and I 'm afraid Jarvis will get tired of it .
24 Changes in the ways employment , training and welfare policies operate need to be brought about so as to get rid of the many disincentives that exist for women wishing to return to training or employment .
25 You lower it in gently and sloosh it about so that the acid covers the surface .
26 Yet for the growth of the later strident and vigorous anticlericalism , the self-consciousness of the laity was a prerequisite , and on a national scale it is by no means certain that this lay identity would have come about so forcefully or so quickly had parliament not been ready to hand as a vehicle in which to rally hostility and an instrument by which to further it .
27 So you need to make sure you know about all the debts which is why if you ever read the papers some Never understand why people read the public notices columns but they are read and you see notice about so and so who 's died .
28 I was ready to fight him after this , but he danced about so much that I could n't get close to him .
29 ‘ You would n't have to travel about so much .
30 But we do need more friends and volunteers to help us get out and about so that we do n't feel life 's passing us by . ’
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