Example sentences of "turned look " in BNC.

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1 A hoarse , angry noise came from the crowd and faces turned to look at Fleming the teacher , who was standing near the manse under a yew tree .
2 ‘ Angus ’ — he dropped the timber he was lifting , letting it clank off the others , and turned to look at him with widened eyes and squared mouth , like the face of someone taking a great strain .
3 He turned to look at her .
4 He turned to look at me as I approached , then carried on tending to the cows .
5 All turned to look back at the door as the footsteps approached on the flagstones .
6 When he turned to look , it seemed to him that the hospital was moving away from him like a phantom ship , butting through the September mists .
7 The young paratrooper turned to look at me , his eyes alarmed , as if he expected somehow to see that his buddies had caught him in a moment of vulnerability .
8 His Mum turned to look at the car that had crushed the arrow bits .
9 As everyone turned to look at him , Jinny realized that he had been waiting for this moment all the time he was explaining his plan .
10 And , repeating this like a charm : ‘ It was n't me ; it was n't me , ’ she turned to look at the red splashes on the wall .
11 She turned to look into Gazzer 's face , concentrating her attention on him for the first time since he had climbed up to sit beside her in the sand dunes .
12 It was seventeen years after President Kennedy 's assassination , twelve years since Bobby 's , but the idea was so powerful nobody turned to look at the shattered window or the stunned lad .
13 She stacked the diapers neatly on the top shelf , checked the gowns and vests , and then closed the cupboard and turned to look approvingly around the room .
14 He turned to look at her .
15 He turned to look carefully , and saw her .
16 Marion turned to look herself .
17 When I turned to look back at him after a short canter , he was winded and scared with barely enough strength to stay on his horse .
18 He covered seventy yards to gain the partial cover of the shrubbery , flung himself amongst the undergrowth , and turned to look back at the chateau .
19 To harmonize my body language with Alison 's , I turned to look out of the window .
20 Several of the passers-by turned to look at her , for although she was — as she herself would have expressed it — ‘ no Helen of Troy ’ when it came to looks , there was some thing very engaging about Breeze .
21 They turned to look back at the emptiness they had crossed .
22 The leaves on the thorn trees were almost open , and when we turned to look back at the distance we 'd climbed , there were clusters of vivid green that trailed down the hillside and encompassed the village like waterweed .
23 But she was soon aware of his fat thigh pressing against hers , and each time they passed a gas lamp he turned to look at her .
24 A couple of middle-aged women at a nearby table turned to look at her disapprovingly .
25 Delaney turned to look directly at her .
26 He turned to look at Tina , and caught a look of anger on her face .
27 The younger , a stocky brown cob , snickered and turned to look at them .
28 Elizabeth placed her cup carefully on the hob by the fire and turned to look at George , who was leaning forward , looking at her earnestly .
29 He turned to look at her then .
30 George and the twins turned to look at them .
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