Example sentences of "patients [vb pp] " in BNC.

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1 A mean of eight percent of patients developed postoperative sepsis and we have classified patients as having de developed postoperative sepsis if they have developed two out of three of the following , a temperature of greater than thirty eight degrees celsius , or a positive blood culture .
2 Nine patients developed more than one stricture .
3 Crohn 's disease — three of 10 patients regarded as having definite Crohn 's disease on histopathological review had had subtotal colectomy before restorative proctocolectomy ( Table II ) .
4 Visiting patients referred to me , and liaising with relatives and key workers , as well as neighbours , GPs , community psychiatric nurses , social workers .
5 Clinical experience has shown that the treatment approach can be used with approximately 30–40 per cent of patients referred to the general hospital after attempted suicide .
6 The vast majority of patients referred to general hospitals because of acts of self-harm have taken overdoses .
7 Although at least 80 per cent of patients referred to the general hospital in Oxford after self-injury have cut themselves superficially , it seems likely that many more episodes of deliberate self-cutting occur than are identified through general hospital records .
8 All patients referred to the ENP were given the opportunity to be seen by a doctor .
9 After a review of its operation in 1977 it became clear that only a minority of patients referred from the other hospitals were being successfully rehabilitated and that St Wulstan 's had become another long-stay hospital .
10 To assess long term survival ( >5 years ) and quality of life in severely ill patients referred for urgent cardiac transplantation .
11 In early 1988 we reported in this journal the short term outcome in 33 patients referred to the National Heart Hospital between late 1984 and the end of 1986 and who were accepted for urgent cardiac transplantation .
12 Though it seems reasonable to assume that the ideal candidate for cardiac transplantation is one who has irreversible cardiac failure and severe symptomatic restrictions despite all treatment but with no requirement for intravenous or interventional support and no secondary end organ damage , in practice many of the patients referred for consideration of transplantation require active support in hospital and have been referred in some cases because they have developed secondary end organ damage .
13 Keogan et al studied 2017 patients referred for chest radiography and recommended more selective use of chest radiography through the application of selection guidelines .
14 Ninety nine ( 86% ) patients referred to the ophthalmology clinic had advanced retinopathy confirmed , and those who did not receive laser photocoagulation underwent frequent continuing ophthalmic assessment .
15 By three to five years after surgery the actuarial survival rate exceeded that of a control population.This enhanced survival may reflect the fact that patients referred for surgery were highly selected , and an important limitation of these data is that the selection criteria were not explicit .
16 Patients referred to consultant outpatient clinics .
17 Three main questions were therefore addressed : did non-fundholders reduce their rate of referral outside the boundaries of their local district health authority ? did first wave fundholders reduce their referral rates to NHS outpatient clinics and , if so , which specialties and which patients were affected ? did the proportion of patients referred by fundholders to private clinics increase and how many private referrals were paid for out of the NHS budget ?
18 The number of NHS patients referred from fundholding practices to private clinics ( paid for out of the fundholder 's budget ) in phase 2 was small : of the 59 referrals that fell into this category , most were for vasectomy or female sterilisation .
19 157 Patients referred at median age 2.8 months ( range 1 week to 96 months ) , 111 ( 71% ) had recurrent events , 44 were born preterm , 19 were siblings of infants who had died suddenly and unexpectedly , and 18 were over 12 months old .
20 There was no difference in the number of patients referred for dietary advice or chiropody .
21 There was no significant difference in the number of patients referred to hospital eye clinics .
22 After allowing for the much higher non-attendance rate in controls , the annual rate of eye examination per patient and the number of patients referred to a hospital ophthalmic clinic were comparable in the two groups .
23 The amount depended initially on the number of patients referred in the previous year multiplied by the actual cost of those referrals in the hospitals concerned .
24 The consultant in the old voluntary hospitals ( see above ) depended for his or her income on patients referred by the GP .
25 Many of the patients referred to the General Surgery and ENT departments have complex problems and benefit from the highly specialist expertise available there .
26 Two of three patients referred died without transplantation : one underwent transplant and survived .
27 We have recently assessed the frequency of the coeliac like intestinal antibody pattern , a candidate marker of latent coeliac disease , in patients referred for diagnostic small bowel biopsy .
28 A positive diagnosis was established in 60% of patients referred with connective tissue disease , 30.6% with non-cardiac chest pain , and 21.1% with gastro-oesophageal reflux disease .
29 Edrophonium was given to the first 21 patients referred with non-cardiac chest pain .
30 There were significantly more cases of achalasia in the patients referred by a surgeon ( 22.2% v 13.5% , p<0.05 ) and significantly more cases of connective tissue disease among those referred by a physician ( 12.0% v 3.7% , p<0.05 ) .
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