Example sentences of "need give " in BNC.

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1 Underlying the restriction of the canon are a number of interrelated factors , unified by the institutional need to give the subject a proper identity .
2 Hence , the traditional indifference ( now obscured by educational theorists ' cant ) to the need to give children the uniquely essential means for social liberation : an ability to speak and write their own language correctly .
3 Other countries seem to have recognised the need to give the police full investigative powers as well as treating hacking simpliciter as a relatively serious offence . ’
4 SIS will also be covering Kelso , Newbury and greyhound racing from Bristol so the need to give punters the opportunity to additionally sample delights from the orient hardly seems necessary .
5 But evidence from a trial in Essex this season suggests there is no need to give up the struggle .
6 Yet there is much that these two great historians have in common , and not only their sense of foreboding , their anxiety about the future , and a vision of past greatness ; they share , above all , a need to give the Christianity of their compatriots , Franks or English , roots in the Roman past .
7 A committee was appointed to report on the situation in 1901 because Conference wanted to know how to secure candidates ‘ of higher educational proficiency and others of special promise ’ and they wanted the committee 's views on the ‘ desirability of raising the standard of the examinations for the ministry ’ as well as the possible need to give candidates ‘ a more thorough training … and a more complete equipment ’ .
8 I had no need to give him twenty Thousand Pound to marry me , which had been buying my Lodging too dear a great deal . ’
9 A teenager who feels she has a share in making family policies is far more likely to accept the need to give and take , balancing her wants and needs with those of her parents .
10 To answer this question you will a need to give the Minitab command TABLE a third argument .
11 There was seen to be an urgent need to give much greater recognition to the potential contribution of NHS managers .
12 At the same time , the senior nurse in the team can learn the importance of planning and organisation , and the need to give clear and accurate instructions about patient care .
13 Anderson was unique , brought in to fill two vital functions : the need for a medic , and the need to give G9 something special , some angle that would disguise its true nature , an extraordinary elite fighting group trained for any emergency .
14 In particular , there is a need to give priority to the street 's primary use , for the residential street environment is a matter of continual concern to residents , but of only fleeting interest to the passing driver .
15 Obviously , there 's no need to give up favourite foods , but look for the healthiest options on the shelves : for example , low-calorie dressing rather than thick mayonnaise ; reduced-sugar baked beans ; margarine or spreads rather than butter ; skimmed milk .
16 I encourage cyclists to respect the fact that on all legal access routes there 's a need to give way to walkers — but I 'll be the first to admit that this does n't happen all the time .
17 The need to give attention to the social aspects of the school environment for the integrated visually handicapped pupil should not be underestimated .
18 Both point to the need to give students experiences which will give life to the theoretical elements which are also essential parts of their course .
19 Hence there was a need to give " the rich and well-born " a " distinct , permanent share in the government " through which they could " check the imprudence of democracy " .
20 The change to a real coalition in 1916 had been occasioned by the need to give Lloyd George a freer hand as much as by concern for structures .
21 In concerning ourselves with the needs of pupils , we may too long have ignored the need to give our teachers services and support and help them to feel adequate to cope with the demands that education in the modern world is making upon them .
22 This stemmed from a need to give the regular cast holidays during the otherwise punishing year-long recording schedule .
23 That should concentrate their mind on the need to give any affected party the opportunity to make submission on any such departure and also to facilitate the communication of the nature of the departure to the affected party .
24 Since that is not the case , there is no need to give a ruling on question ( 4 ) .
25 I can see no need to give reasons for that decision .
26 Further , in the context of statutory demands I see no compelling need to give a more extended meaning to the word ‘ action . ’
27 A as it is simply er an ordnance sheet , I I assume there 's no need to give it er a document number ?
28 She had no need to give it further emphasis , it could not have been clearer .
29 This is partly explained by the high level of assumed shared knowledge in science and by the need to give an impression of objectivity in both genres .
30 But there was no need to give any other references .
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