Example sentences of "true to " in BNC.

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1 Some people find this makes theatre less ‘ believable ’ — less true to their own experience and therefore less convincing than the more restrained performances seen on television and cinema .
2 Not to be true to the materials but false to them ! he wrote .
3 It is not really worth saving seeds from F1 hybrids or from most fruit varieties as these rarely reproduce true to type .
4 He would ask young Alex for the ring , and see that it was put well on Mary 's finger , he would wish them to be happy and fruitful and true to one another and that nothing would ever part them .
5 We wish you will be fruitful , and true to one another .
6 And , true to the tradition of prophets , he rebelled :
7 He had built , or at least started to build , a public ( in the Kierkegaardian sense : ‘ a gigantic something , an abstract and deserted void which is everything and nothing ’ ) and he was determined to stay true to it ; recognising that publicity is the lifeblood of an author .
8 Descartes is true to his radical dualism : everything that is a mark of mind is withdrawn into the mind , leaving the external world in atomistic darkness .
9 It was always true to reality and always walked in line with man 's progress and development .
10 True to the Romantic tradition from which this belief sprang , the imagination was valued more than the analytical intelligence , the specific more than the general , experience more than discourse , connaitre more than savoir .
11 It is true to this day in England that , if one has learning , one must wear it so lightly that it is unnoticeable .
12 Thus Pound was quite ready , and became eager , to deliver a message , though with more obliquities and delays than the impatiently moralistic reader could see reason for ; whereas Eliot , true to his inheritance from French symbolisme , was sceptical and chary of conveying in poetry any message at all .
13 She had to face the handicaps of severe diabetes but , true to Greek ideals , she endured them with stoicism ; only on four occasions in 30 years did she break down under these cruel burdens .
14 Seeing a great performer dancing true to her native style is part of Altynai Asylnuratova 's astonishing impact in La Bayadere .
15 True to style , Mr Pozsgay claimed only to be a sympathiser of the movement and not its instigator .
16 True to the York principle his commitment was entirely to the person , sometimes causing exasperation to administrators .
17 Gallotta 's Mammame is true to a very French type , with its scatty logic , its mix of dance , gesture and slapstick and its ability to polarise opinion between ‘ joyously unconfined choreography ’ and ‘ mildly diverting tosh ’ .
18 Down the decades , I never saw Dignam give a performance that was n't true to his classical text .
19 Or true to his character ? ’
20 I have already explored in relation to Gide and others the kind of rebellion whose test they retrospectively failed , namely , transgression as a quest for authenticity : underpinning and endorsing the philosophy of individualism , it suggests that in defying a repressive social order we can dis-cover ( and so be true to ) our real selves .
21 True to current Ford form , there is no shortage of roadholding — but exploiting it is another matter .
22 Cricket , in essence , stifled itself by remaining too true to its pre-industrial origins . ’
23 Does being true to oneself , and not selling out to Hollywood , really mean abandoning melodrama for realism , showmanship for seriousness , spectacle for solemn emotion , tight scripts for improvised styles ?
24 She was true to her word .
25 The move was signalled last week and , true to their promised response , management suspended the workers involved in the disruption .
26 ‘ The decision was to give them a lot of freedom , letting them take the pictures they liked so long as their interpretations were true to the general concept .
27 But victory ran true to racing 's adage ‘ there 's nothing like experience ’ because the winner was ridden by Pat Leech , who has ridden more than 150 winners , while the two market leaders were partnered by riders with less than a handful of winners between them .
28 He and Colin Thubron have devised a new scenario which remains true to the basic premise of Cranko 's original story and Britten 's score — namely that redemption comes through compassion — while giving a more cohesive dramatic shape to the work .
29 Thorough in all its countless details his book is well written and easy to read , its charm further enhanced by many true to life sketches made in the field by John Busby .
30 Thorough in all its countless details his book is well written and easy to read , its charm further enhanced by many true to life sketches made in the field by John Busby .
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