Example sentences of "saying to " in BNC.

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1 But he was never saying to himself until one moment in the past that it was much peculiar that a girl as pretty and as fashionable with her peroxide hair as Jilly Jonathan was carrying on holiday a big , crocodile-skin handbag .
2 He was never saying to himself in that heavy bag what should there be ? ’
3 ‘ You know , Dorothy , you and I have one thing in common , ’ I remember saying to myself in a Dutch accent , ‘ we both only got as far as Harwich . ’
4 His distaste for such work may be seen from the fact that Breavman refers to the ( infrequently visited ) lecture rooms of Columbia by saying to Krantz : ‘ Nothing smells more like a slaughterhouse than a graduate seminar .
5 Harold MacMillan , Prime Minister , might still be saying to the electorate that they had never had it so good — which was true in terms of the change-round from post-war reconstruction , wartime destruction , and the days of depression ; but to someone of Leonard 's background , from Canada , the place was a bore .
6 ‘ I mean , ’ he was saying to Caroline , 'she 'd bring something to the table and I 'd have to ask what it was .
7 We have just caught Raskolnikov saying to himself that the moth seeks the candle-flame , and Porfiry says similar things aloud ; while behind both of them Dostoevsky is telling Katkov that the murderer demands punishment and bends to an inexorable divine and human law when he gives himself up .
8 ‘ We should be saying to the Secretary of State : ‘ If you want fees say so , go to the electorate and ask them . ’
9 Like I was saying to one of the men in the section who has n't been that co-operative , like , I 'm only here for a year and you all know more than I will ever know about policing .
10 The caretaker was heard saying to the professor of Hebrew , ‘ It 's only curiosity Sir ’ .
11 Lawrence feels like going back and saying to her ‘ It 's all right , do n't take any notice of that mental lunatic ’ ( p. 304 ) , thereby offering a new inflection of the erotic triangle : intervening between Swift and Celia , Lawrence displaces his own anal neurosis on to Swift while offering his healthy ideal self to Celia — or rather he seeks to become his ideal self in her eyes .
12 Malcolm 's got us this singer , we kept saying to each other , and he ca n't sing , what is all this about ?
13 It began : ‘ I can imagine a wise and well-informed man , quite aloof from any political party , saying to our little gathering : ‘ The Country and the Empire are in three tangles , which the ordinary process of disputation followed by a General Election in this country can not unravel . ’
14 It 's a way of saying to yourself , if he really loves me , he 'll stop doing that because I want him to ’ , Roz says .
15 I felt quite sick but thought it almost a duty far one afflicted in my way to remain , saying to myself , ‘ Oh , you like cruelty , do you ?
16 A third says : ‘ I love to read a few words of the Gospel , so that I can see Christ and listen to what He is saying to me . ’
17 I remember saying to myself , ‘ Clever Clogs !
18 All but two of them had been abused and I remember one girl saying to me , ‘ By the time I was nine I knew what it was all about . ’
19 He felt as if his address was saying to Broch : ‘ Do n't be afraid , you have been afraid enough for us .
20 We think , but we do n't really know what they were saying to each other behind closed doors .
21 The Guardian 's cartoonist showed one health official saying to another : ‘ These regional days of action are so badly organized that Len Murray has to ring up Norman Fowler to ask where they are being held . ’
22 I am not saying to the politician , ‘ You must get your act together . ’
23 I am not saying to the farmer , ‘ You must use fewer insecticides . ’
24 I am not saying to the consumer in all of us , ‘ You must eat less , drive less , enjoy life less . ’
25 Now what is God saying to me through this passage ? … and you find yourself ruminating on the things you are anxious about , and you start to relate this to the person you are .
26 Is that what you 're saying to yourselves ? ’
27 Just twelve chapters later we hear them saying to Aaron , ‘ Up , make us gods , who shall go before us ; as for this Moses , the man who brought us up out of Egypt , we do not know what has become of him . ’
28 Jesus Christ several times appeared to her with a sweet and gracious countenance , saying to her to rouse her courage , ‘ remember my love , that the bed of the cross on which I died for love of you was harder , narrower and more painful than that on which you are now lying' ’ .
29 ‘ There , Mr Cottle , ’ Mary Ann was saying to the traveller in jelly , as she passed him the bread and butter , ‘ this 'll put roses in your cheeks . ’
30 Many people at the church will be saying to Mrs Patient and her family , ‘ I do miss your husband , he was so good to me , ’ and whereas this makes the family feel warm it also makes them feel disturbed .
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