Example sentences of "saying [pos pn] " in BNC.

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1 This noticeboard had already played a significant part in my life : nearly thirty years before then it had displayed the result of my own first degree ( second-class honours ) ; a few years later had come the perfunctory notice saying my doctoral thesis had been accepted by the college ; and shortly after that an even briefer note to the effect that I had joined the teaching staff .
2 I 'd dragged her into the storeroom and begged her to take me to London , saying my family would n't allow me to go without her .
3 Saying my prayers , ’ murmured Evelyn apologetically .
4 It sounds to me when you talk about the misery , and I 'm sure it must have been miserable , I do n't doubt that for a minute , but when you talk about this misery and everything you went through , it 's a wee bit like the old fashioned way , you know , everyone was saying my God , what I went through , you know to have you !
5 I kept saying my own name so I would n't forget it .
6 How could I refuse her except by saying my death was so probable that I could not allow such a sacrifice ?
7 But then they suddenly listen to what you say and they think , well that 's funny , I was thinking about that when I was saying my prayers the other day .
8 I can not do anything else except for saying my paternoster and my creed to Christ , for my sins … " )
9 I liked to think before saying my lines .
10 I 'm very much aware I 've not been saying my name each time I 've been speaking but probably too late now .
11 Mr Hutchinson said : ‘ He was saying my dad 's in there , my dad 's in there but they found out he meant his dog and it died . ’
12 Asdir erm saying my ginger wine was too hot .
13 She 's saying my coffee 's gone cold .
14 they 're coming to you and saying my wife has been killed please can you help me which is
15 You saying my Mum sucks her own boobs ?
16 And you saying my team of losers Brian ?
17 He hated her way of alluding to Jean but never saying her name .
18 Lady Belladonna 's utterance is tantamount to saying her age multiplied by her age multiplied by her age is the same as multiplying her age by four and then by five and finally by 45 .
19 As in Sonia 's case , the Home Office have turned down Prakesh 's application to stay in this country , saying her case has been fully considered , despite the fact that she has never been interviewed by any Home Office officials , and despite the fact that there are compassion circumstances to be considered .
20 Called ‘ Suspense ’ , it showed a small girl , saying her prayers before having breakfast in bed , on either side her cat and dog waited in great anticipation .
21 She would then face him and , saying her own sickle needed sharpening , neatly slice off his head .
22 A viewer with the same problem wrote to me , saying her doctor refused to give her any more and she was on the point of suicide .
23 By what I can gather they must have lived in Durham for a time , 'cos when she was saying her prayers she brought in a Mrs Melburn , a parson 's wife , who was kind to them after the father died or whatever , an' from what I made out of her jabbering the woman and the mother have written to each other .
24 When Nanny returned at last Artemis asked her what father had meant by saying her mother had gone .
25 There was a Russian saying her father liked to quote : ‘ God does n't always frown upon the wicked . ’
26 His lips moved , saying her name silently : ‘ Donata ? ’
27 At the back of the church knelt Mrs Duffy , the school caretaker , saying her beads .
28 One morning , on his way down to breakfast , Dada saw her kneeling on the left-hand flight of the double staircase ; thinking she was saying her prayers , she was bent so low , Dada stepped past her politely .
29 The Archbishop of Liverpool , Derek Worlock , sent a warm letter of congratulation to Cllr Cooper , saying her honour was ‘ very well deserved . ’
30 But Lyndsey was saying her answer machine Oh !
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