Example sentences of "reason [art] " in BNC.

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1 For this reason the campaigning elements of the organization — and that includes many of the 80,000 British members who undertake to be active on Amnesty 's behalf — have increased and refined their methods over the years .
2 For this reason the speed of the speech may be slower than it looks , the cigarette smoking being used to punctuate it .
3 The reason the coding metaphor has such currency in contemporary talk about perception is that it seems to suggest a way in which very simple and apparently homogenous elements such as nerve impulses can generate the richness and variety of consciousness .
4 The principal reason the council became involved in competitions in 1988 was to control them and to prevent events taking place outdoors .
5 The reason the Labradoodle caught my eye is that Bubbles is the result of a liaison between a Miniature Poodle and — wait for it — a Labrador/Boxer cross .
6 For just this reason the issues of The Exile , though they provide only conflicting evidence about Pound 's acumen as an editor , are very instructive about the cast of his sensibility .
7 The first reason the Chancellor gives is that there is some ‘ bad ’ froth on the ‘ good ’ deficit : that is to say , evidence of excessive domestic demand .
8 The need to avoid bad history is the reason the debate over the teaching of history in schools is so important : what is the proper balance between traditional concerns with royalty and battles as against the need to understand the great political movements of our time and the social and economic conditions which spawned them ?
9 It is for this reason the UK accountancy bodies have put forward the idea of a European accounting standards body in the hope of persuading Brussels to toe the IASC line .
10 For this reason the concentration on TV advertising is on compilation albums and greatest hits collections .
11 He refused to allow the party access to his fund , and partly for this reason the Liberals were forced to accept a drastic reduction in the number of candidatures , from 513 in 1929 to 112 in 1931 , The condition of the Liberals was far more serious than that of Labour , for the Liberal party was beginning to lose its sense of identity and purpose ( and has still not fully recovered it ) .
12 While there was nothing extraordinary about the goal , Chapman turning in a free-kick Clough had driven through a crowd of players towards the near post , the reason the free-kick was awarded left Everton disgruntled .
13 Now the illusion is well and truly shattered and the only reason the share price has not plunged much further than it has is the hope that some brave soul will put the group out of its misery with a takeover .
14 The reason the Government seems to be directing its big guns at unpasteurised milk producers has more to do with the big dairy industry 's concerns at the erosion of their share of the market .
15 ‘ The reason the auditors will give us trouble , Mike , is that they have to certify that our accounts give a true and fair account of the financial state of the business .
16 The Kohl factor was not the only reason the Alliance , dominated by Christian Democrats under Mr Lothar de Maizière , routed the much-touted Social Democrats , but it was probably the decisive one .
17 One reason the central bank has been able to keep money tight is that the victims of bankruptcy have so far been mainly property- or finance-related companies with few employees .
18 For this reason the Property Acts have revolutionized the modes of creating mortgages and some of their legal effects .
19 The film stars Keifer Sutherland and Julia Roberts and concerns a group of unlikely student doctors who take it in turns to have their heartbeat stopped in order to experience the afterlife , which for some reason the director has chosen to portray as a series of rather unimaginative music videos .
20 For this reason the theory has been called a subjective theory of atonement because it insists that the cross changes us , not God ; that he is always forgiving .
21 For some reason the hand reminded him of Mrs Wright , though her hands were n't white .
22 ‘ I 've been an Overseas ’ Corporation Executive for the last ten years and I 've always been told that the reason the Corporation could n't pay me the salary it paid to Americans doing similar work was because my salary had to be related to British salary scales . ’
23 The reason the Royal Show is international is not because we say it is ; it is because the international visitors choose to visit the Royal Show and that is what makes it the most international agricultural show in the world .
24 The reason the Republicans won an election was ‘ Ike 's father image ’ .
25 The reason the Democrats lost was that Stevenson lacked ‘ the presidential image ’ — which sounds suspiciously like saying he did n't become president because he did n't become president .
26 It was the main reason the party stayed so long the creature of the Magic Circle and the explanation for the exclusion , time and again , of otherwise talented party-members who did n't happen to have the right pedigree .
27 But such a name never appeared , perhaps for the reason the New Yorker itself suggested : you can not fix labels on a world of shadows .
28 I think the reason the British like it so much is for one thing it is normally sunny , there are some shots outside when it is rainy and overcast , but it comes across as bright and cheerful and it is an ideal sort of world .
29 The big news of the day , he said , though for some inexplicable reason the Guardian ignored it , concerned the lovers who had bonked in a British Rail platform photo booth .
30 For this reason the constables of many royal castles were appointed at the same time to be wardens of neighbouring forests : the constable of Rockingham castle was usually warden of the forests between Oxford and Stamford bridges ; the constable of Porchester kept Bere Porchester Forest ; the constable of Devizes kept Chippenham and Melksham Forests ; the constable of St Briavels the Forest of Dean ; the constable of Castleton the Forest of the Peak ; and the constable of Windsor castle was also warden of Windsor Forest .
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