Example sentences of "everything she " in BNC.

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1 ‘ She deserved everything she got ! ’
2 Everything she was wearing shot into line .
3 She is , however , determined to make a success of everything she does , including being a dog owner .
4 With that skirt , you could see everything she had .
5 The foreman was quoted as saying that the woman in question had shown ‘ everything she had ’ .
6 She can not mother her child and she can not mother her mother ; everything she did inclined towards death .
7 The reason , Time explained , is that women under the age of 30 picture a feminist , to quote one college senior , as ‘ someone who does n't shave her legs and is doing everything she can to deny that she is feminine ’ .
8 Kakoo , as she was always known , was a unique person , one of the loveliest girls we ever saw , and all her life she remained beautiful , with a marvellous sense of humour and a true enjoyment in everything she did and everyone she knew .
9 Dot knew that she had everything she used so much to long for .
10 ‘ And you must be grateful to her for everything she does , and for all the sacrifices she must make on your behalf .
11 She runs through everything she 's got in , until she can find something I want .
12 Once upon a time , she had been able to withstand Florentine summers better than any English woman she knew but of late they had begun to tire her , to make her feel that in everything she did she was pushing a large boulder up a hill .
13 The story of Gilly Hopkins is very sad : Gilly has the opportunity to gain everything she 's always wanted — someone who cares about her and forgives her and is willing to provide her with a loving home , but Gilly throws all this away simply by writing a letter when she 's feeling very upset .
14 He resented everything she did .
15 He had everything she needed .
16 Everything she was n't . ’
17 Now there was once a Queen , who might have been thought to have everything she could desire in the world , but had set her heart on a strange silent bird a traveller had told of , which lived in the snowy mountains , nested only once , raised its gold and silver chick , sang once only , and then faded like snow in the lowlands .
18 Madame imagined that while she was doing this to Boy she would tell him everything she knew , she would talk to him quietly each night whilst brushing his hair before bedtime .
19 It is n't giving away much of the story to say that Miranda at first sees her mother 's behaviour — alternately doing everything she can to please her husband and then screaming rage at him for letting her down — as a clear example of women 's oppression .
20 While the Wordsworths began to explore a landscape which seemed , in Dorothy 's opinion , to contain everything she could want , Coleridge remained very unwillingly at home .
21 The poor girl had gone off to her camp before she had formulated any hypotheses ; she had no idea as to what theory or concepts her work was to throw new light on , and so , to be on the safe side , she had recorded everything she could think of over a period of about six weeks and her notebooks practically filled a medium-sized suitcase .
22 I began to learn to cook in Jamaica at my grandmother 's side , watching everything she did .
23 And she had everything she had ever dreamed of — more .
24 When a message came from a friend in Prague that their mother had disappeared , Miss Harder did everything she could to console them and they became very close .
25 Carefully , soberly , Kelly told them everything she knew .
26 But why not a good STUDMIX which has everything she needs ?
27 There should be complete silence except that the leader should say ‘ No ’ quietly to everything she touches until she touches the chosen object when everybody shouts ‘ Yes ’ .
28 He had challenged almost everything she had said and what was meant as an informative introduction to a public relations exercise had developed into something close to a public brawl .
29 She put everything into it , and Ivy simply lopped off everything she said and left it lying there , dead .
30 Everything she had brought from Manchester now seemed so provincial .
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