Example sentences of "certainly not " in BNC.

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1 The number of UK groups reached 300 in the early 1980s and has remained around that level ever since — groups of very high quality and certainly not based on ‘ ephemeral enthusiasms ’ !
2 You either have it or you do not — talent is certainly not something which can be taught .
3 The accompanying letter needs to be personal and brief and should certainly not be sycophantic or name dropping .
4 Certainly not .
5 It is quite clear that Rome did not have a policy on catholic schooling at this time , and certainly not one requiring attendance at such schools as a religious duty .
6 Certainly not , ’ he said .
7 Certainly not with anything mechanical .
8 This response of putting the hands out and throwing the head back is certainly not a reaction learned during flying training .
9 the report is certainly not a definitive and unchallengeable portrait of the Metropolitan police .
10 Who gives a damn , certainly not me , caressing your lovely legs with my eyes .
11 His early involvement in this so-called jazz-poetry — which achieved such popularity in the sixties — shows that Leonard , not for the first time , and certainly not the last , was ‘ where it was all happening ’ before it actually happened .
12 It was certainly not one of the many studied effects which Paul had variously condemned as ‘ ludicrous ’ , ‘ over the top ’ , ‘ outrageous ’ , ‘ dingy ’ , or — most damaging of all — ‘ silly ’ .
13 This is a necessary condition for a reductionist view of the mind but , particularly given the absence of any effective demonstration of a causal connection between the mental and the neural , it is certainly not a sufficient condition .
14 A fine of £4,000 is certainly not going to act as any kind of deterrent to her future behaviour .
15 But nothing , and certainly not articulating his words ‘ cheerfully and artlessly ’ , can muffle Tikhon 's diagnosis which is that Stavrogin suffers from ‘ indifference ’ .
16 Advent of low cost processors allowing DSP algorithms to be implemented with relative ease means electronics engineers now have much greater awareness of its potential — certainly not the case five years ago .
17 Tallis 's case is convincing , though he has certainly not said the last word on the matter , and there may well be further arguments from those who are professionally engaged in linguistics .
18 These admirable sentiments are certainly not those of a nihilist .
19 I would certainly not favour a rump version of one of the current forms of English degree , with their recurring arguments about canons and coverage , the definition of literature , and the place of theory .
20 It is in this profoundly grateful and reverent sene , certainly not with any heartless flippancy , that forty years later in the prison stockade Pound greets the sunset as a designer — ‘ grand couturier ’ .
21 This is certainly not the language that one uses of a resident sage or recognized ‘ master ’ ; and it seems that in Paris at that time there was in fact no one who esteemed Pound in either of those ways .
22 Hatred of Jews is something that the Fascist is especially prone to , but it is n't a necessary consequence of his Fascism , and in any case it 's only a symptom , certainly not the root cause of his disease .
23 As we thundered down the runway , the ambassador asked : ‘ Do you think they weighed the khat properly ? ’ 'Almost certainly not , ’ replied the civil servant .
24 But Mr Lafontaine , standard-bearer of the up-and-coming generation , and the second most important figure after Mr Vogel on the committee drafting the party programme for the next decade , has certainly not had things all his own way .
25 ‘ I will certainly not be an intellectual ‘ hands-off ’ guru merely thinking up schemes , ’ he said .
26 LIVERPOOL against Manchester United , one of the brightest jewels in ITV 's Barclays League programming , will almost certainly not be seen on television this season .
27 What we were offered , if definition is needed , might be called ballet-pantomime : it was certainly not opera .
28 This is almost certainly not the case and does Canberra a grave disservice , though it does illustrate one of the problems behind the fixture .
29 If anything , the papers are growing yet more adventurous , and they are certainly not expensive , at between three and five kopecks ( pence ) a copy .
30 Certainly not , ’ Lord Aldington replies .
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