Example sentences of "death the " in BNC.

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1 Once sentenced to death the nightmare gets worse : very little care is taken with the inmate 's emotions .
2 They say that at the moment of death the whole of one 's past life flashes before one 's eyes .
3 Below is an extract of conversation between two policemen who are telling a third about a cot death the two of them had recently attended .
4 After his death the standard was taken up by Serov , who still commanded 3,000 men as late as January 1922 .
5 Was he Death astride his dark charger , was Death the moment of consummation , the moment of glory ?
6 Before his death the Prince knighted John Higgs , and went specially to St Thomas 's Hospital to perform the investiture at his bedside .
7 But since Mr Brezhnev 's death the Romanian leader has lost his ability to act as an irritant .
8 After his death the Henderson family bought the estate and built model cottages designed by Ernest George and Peto in the village .
9 Mr Thompson was a bachelor , on whose death the Hothams bought Ebberston .
10 He inherited little from his father , but his wife , Suzan , was daughter of a wealthy lawyer , George Bennett , and after the latter 's death the Le Fanus moved into the dead man 's house in Merrion Square , Dublin .
11 ‘ This woman , ’ the judge would say , ‘ is so depraved , so much the slave of her own passions , that she had no hesitation in bludgeoning to death the father of her child on Christmas Eve . ’
12 Moreover she had the real comfort of knowing that her community appreciated what she was doing ; more , her life excited such admiration that after her death the interment had to be delayed for some days for fear of riots .
13 Five years after Emily Davison 's death the first women won the vote .
14 There were , inevitably , undesirable aspects in this emphasis on preaching : congregations shopped about and when a preacher died the congregation dwindled : after Spurgeon 's death the attendance at the Tabernacle fell from over ten thousand to just over 3,500 .
15 On his death the same year , the king had the elder of János 's sons beheaded and the other , Matthias , imprisoned in Prague by the Bohemian ruler , George Podiebrad .
16 Yet three years after his death the heirs of his Islamic regime are engaged in a debate on food prices , economic policy and relations with the West .
17 Upon his death the title of Emperor , the Frankish territories of Austrasia and Neustria , plus Saxony , Burgundy and Thuringia , would go to his eldest son Charles .
18 It was this vision of order that held his vast empire together and on his death the entire vision collapsed , and the realm rapidly fell into decay and disunity .
19 Watching her , Trent recalled sailing towards what he had expected to be his death the previous morning on Golden Girl … his sense of deprivation , of having been robbed of his right to a normal life .
20 Dudley was officially to hear of his wife 's death the following day , when a messenger was despatched from Cumnor Place to Windsor Castle where he was with the Queen .
21 After death the bodies of the victims of the eruption were rapidly buried by the accumulating ash , and rain falling on this ash soon after the eruption cemented it into a fairly hard mass before the flesh of the corpses had decayed .
22 Liam found a letter , which the old man had written just after Liam 's mother 's own death the year before .
23 Unlike the average victim of the worst death the Romans could devise , he died with prayer and forgiveness on his lips rather than curses and hatred .
24 When the Company 's lease expired in 1892 , Lancaster 's services as manager were retained , thus giving him the distinction of being the first electric street tramway Manager , and upon his death the longest-serving .
25 After ‘ Nandie 's ’ death the old Guildhall and ‘ Black Hole ’ remained unoccupied and , being found dangerous , were demolished at the turn of the century .
26 After his death the Estate , including the hotel passed to his second cousin , Sir Winston Churchill .
27 Alternatively , small mammal carcases may be scavenged , and at any stage after death the bones may be modified by the trampling action of larger animals .
28 But after death the muscles release the drug into the blood stream , thus raising post-mortem levels .
29 Despite the earlier authors ' comments on the matter , at the moment of death the cat is not thinking of its human owners ' feelings , but simply about how it can protect itself from the terrifying , unseen danger that is causing it so much pain .
30 Following Dundee 's death the Jacobites suffered a series of defeats , the last , and decisive one , on 1 May 1690 , at Cromdale in Moray , about 30 miles [ 48 km ] east of Inverness .
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