Example sentences of "sometimes [verb] " in BNC.

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1 So beaches or cliff faces are sometimes exposed , and sometimes covered .
2 The change with the founding of the Royal Institution ( and then elsewhere ) to lecturers who were active in research meant that audiences were sometimes exposed to questions rather than answers .
3 These were sometimes intended , as in the eighteenth century , both to provide an event in the garden and house a labourer ; but they were also directed to those of the middle class who might want a retreat in the country or a retirement home .
4 In even the mildest winter , the situation was desperate enough for those in the workshops to make a form of briquette from any form of rubbish bound by rags — and sometimes wired flex — that would give the slightest measure of heat .
5 Why plastic , I shall never know , for the skin , which was sometimes hanging from the face , was so like normal human skin .
6 A wide semicircle of Germans and Repubblichini formed on the edge of the pianura near Parma and moved up towards the mountains , looting and burning villages ; some times shooting in the air to spread terror and sometimes hanging or deporting the inhabitants .
7 How may the use of land for reservoirs sometimes help and sometimes hinder the needs of townsfolk ?
8 If you watch the treatment sessions , you may sometimes think that the patient is not taking any active role in initiating movements , whereas the physiotherapist seems to be doing the movements for him .
9 ‘ So you do sometimes think before you act ?
10 You 'd sometimes think they stage such incidents to persuade us poor bloody electors that they work hard .
11 This is the way that wild animals do die in times of hardship , and perhaps we need sometimes to see , on our doorsteps , the consequences of our past plunderings of nature .
12 In the aftermath of a sensational trial , the popular papers sometimes unearthed persons not directly involved in the case to continue the titillation .
13 These are basically wooded huts with open fires , sometimes cooking facilities , and outdoor toilets .
14 In small communities with a strong religious nucleus there is always an element of censure — sometimes unspoken , sometimes whispered , more rarely shouted aloud and face to face — of those who are thought to have transgressed against the faith .
15 Such programmes are sometimes dismissed as being merely ‘ slick ’ , when slickness is anything but mere , or as if ‘ sloppy ’ were somehow preferable .
16 Sometimes dismissed as a fringe activity ( ‘ an educational frill ’ ) , listening to music is clearly as important to as many children as it is to many adults .
17 She traces the origins of language interactions in the communicative patterns of earliest infancy , suggests some valuable features of what is sometimes dismissed as ‘ baby talk ’ and with extensive reference to the research literature , reviews a whole range of features of adult language that are thought to assist the child 's task of language learning .
18 The whole idea of economic growth in the early Middle Ages is sometimes dismissed as anachronistic .
19 The law recognizes , through various defence doctrines and through the instruction to prosecutorial authorities to refrain from prosecution in certain cases where formally a person is guilty , that disobedience to law is sometimes justified .
20 Its advantage is that it is at least problem-orientated and gives the impression ( which is sometimes justified ) that one has the means to solve it .
21 Although the first two positions are committed to the view that we are sometimes justified in causing nonhuman animals significant pain , in pursuit of institutionalised human interests , animal rightists deny that we are ever justified in doing this .
22 If this sounds a strange gospel coming from a theologian , let me say immediately that there is so much in the Bible about the awfulness , the cruelty and the unfaithfulness of human kind that we may be sometimes justified in wondering why God continues to love us at all .
23 The Spanish were sometimes justified in thinking that a pirate base was precisely what English companies had in mind ; in the 1630s the providence Island Company was set up by determined Protestants who thought that plundering Catholic ships would be rewarded in this world and the next , though other Englishmen , who settled informally on the east coast of central America , were concerned with felling trees and exporting logwood as a dye-stuff .
24 The ERM is sometimes justified as a means for beating the currency speculator .
25 anti-semitism is justified ; 2. anti-semitism may be justified , but some Jews are all right ; 3. anti-semitism is sometimes justified , though often it is not ; 4. anti-semitism is not justified , though sometimes there may be a case for it ; 5 .
26 Full-length games are edited down to show the highlights in a way which sometimes irritates the purist .
27 In February or March , when spring was waiting to burst out but the trees were still leafless and the earth grey and cold , Sophia used sometimes to pretend that she was in Italy — not necessarily in a beautiful or famous part but perhaps in some obscure little town in the Alban Hills or a dusty coastal village between Naples and Sorrento .
28 He might think it best sometimes to pretend that he was enforcing an old and obsolete statute or a mischievous and silly precedent when he was really ignoring it .
29 Like many a commercial negotiation , litigation sometimes involves an element of brinkmanship ; but if you dare not risk your bluff being called , perhaps you should reconsider your plan of campaign .
30 Thus it would appear that Kelsen and Aquinas agree that law sometimes involves applications of general rules by way of subsumption of the particular under the general , that is a deductive process , and sometimes concretization by way of delegation .
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