Example sentences of "either [art] " in BNC.

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1 These may take either the form of related drawings , or in Rodin 's case , a free style of drawing which demonstrates his power of vivid creative improvisation with the human figure .
2 On the whole , acting in isolation is a peculiar feature of the audition system , which is why the pieces you choose in either the classic or modern text need to be reasonably well contained and lend themselves to being performed as a one man show .
3 In a similar survey undertaken in 1974 , Greeley found the effectiveness of catholic schools either the same or slightly increased .
4 Speed and standards of service are , therefore , inevitably compromised , with either the EPoS system or lack of training being cited as the culprit . ’
5 This is normally either the pilot or the instructor .
6 It must be understood that unless the geometric lock is felt , either the brakes are not locked , in which case a harder push is needed on the lever , or the locks themselves need adjusting .
7 In such a world , the easy resolution of the ethical dilemma remains problematic , for as Anne Akeroyd ( 1984 : 134 ) recognizes ‘ there is not , nor ever likely to be any definitive agreement about the nature of either the problems or solutions [ facing the social scientist and the question of ethics ] ’ .
8 Each morning she opened all her luggage , looked at the shirts and dresses and pairs of trousers , felt a moment 's regret for a favourite red silk blouse , before choosing either the cotton shorts and the yellow tee shirt or the denim shorts and the pink top .
9 The important thing about form , in either the Platonic or Aristotelian senses , is that forms are the sort of things that can be thought , or apprehended intellectually .
10 If we are drowsy we may not hear either the piccolo or the dog whistle .
11 The success of the tennis in Seoul was the perfect answer to all those who had doubted either the need or even the efficacy of tennis once more becoming an Olympic sport .
12 A The received wisdom indicates that to restrain timber across its width will lead to the fracture of either the glue line of the lateral end piece , or the splitting of the board itself .
13 From either the New or Old Dungeon Ghyll Hotels .
14 A single ma can not divine fully the eternal and universal ideal , were he Shakespeare himself , ad therefore he can not prescribe either the ways or the aims for art .
15 In terms of radio propagation , varying electrical conductance in the ionosphere influences either the absorbency or reluctance of radio emissions .
16 From this ratio , Heaviside established that attenuation constant a = So distortionless conditions could only be attained with a very large increase in either the leakance or the inductance .
17 But , longer term , the Scottish Office is proposing to improve either the A68 or A7 to dual carriageway .
18 Apart from the thrilling cries that try to resurrect the king , and the still figure of Jack Klaff , there is nothing radical or dynamic in either the vocalisation or the movement .
19 On one level the Republic often criticises the northern security forces , but it too relies on the RUC : the Garda co-operate with the northern police force and do not , as a matter of policy , deal with either the Army or the UDR .
20 Either the Chancellor could raise interest rates ahead of the Germans , which would demonstrate the ‘ national sovereignty ’ in monetary matters on which Mrs Thatcher sets such store .
21 Few of Labour 's keenest supporters could accuse either the right or the left within the party of approaching fresh issues with an open mind .
22 Libya-Venice axis Venetian politicians have decided against accepting a Libyan offer to annex their city to prevent it from sinking any further into either the sea or debt .
23 These quirks of fate , combined with Jane Brown 's own enthusiasms ( she is the author of a fine book on the Lutyens-Jekyll partnership ) have resulted in a narrative in which the gardens of the Arts and Crafts movement , a relatively short period between 1890-1914 , get twice the space of the gardens of either the eighteenth or the nineteenth century .
24 But British Telecom Mobile Communications is introducing a transatlantic paging service based on frequency-hopping technology — the first on which the same pager can used in either the UK or the US .
25 This ( comment ) just goes to show that either the Chinese leadership is totally insensitive to the feelings here or they do n't care what happens anymore . ’
26 His weakness is that he has only four or five votes on the committee and his intermittent appearances and lack of involvement in either the Headingley School or the Bradford Academy will count against him , all past prejudices apart .
27 She has the evidence of her own experience that the achievement of low inflation through monetary discipline is not something at which either the British Treasury or the Bank of England excels .
28 Shareholders will end up with a highly leveraged vehicle — which is fine if the group is going to thrive and win its franchise , but dangerous if either the group 's stream of advertising revenue or its franchise is under threat .
29 Ministers insisted that both projects should be financed by the private sector and the Channel Tunnel Act specifically prohibits the British Government from subsidising either the tunnel or transport infrastructure linked to it .
30 It is a policy that has signally failed to persuade either the financial markets or the rest of the European Community , mainly because neither Mrs Thatcher nor Mr Lawson shows any serious sign of being persuaded by it .
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