Example sentences of "gave the " in BNC.

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1 We live in the fading twilight of an ‘ overpubbed ’ urban world ; a world which , even within living memory , gave the citizens of a small city like York the choice to drink in a different pub for every day of the year .
2 It was only after extensive reading through the writings of many authors that I came across the work which undoubtedly gave the author this particular inspiration .
3 Little wonder that he sometimes gave the impression of inattentiveness in class ; he was inebriated in a world of letters , engulfed by an avalanche of ideas and images , forms and metres , essays and critiques : a fast-changing , provocative kaleidoscope which took his already well-stocked and fertile mind to fresh heights .
4 To describe self-governed perceptual sequences , Kant gave the example of scanning the front elevation of a building ; in doing which we determine what we see and the order in which we see it — roof , front-door , top-left-hand window , and so forth .
5 This was offensive to the Scots in the audience as was Tetley 's disregard for the purport of the poem by Blake that gave the ballet its title .
6 Tchaikovsky was the first to break that mould when he gave the Sapphire Fairy ( now one of Florestan 's sisters ) a solo to a 5/4 time signature .
7 But the spokeswoman said the concession in no way gave the allclear for the brewers to delay action .
8 In effect it gave the UK all the frequencies needed for a nationwide Carfax service on a dedicated lattice .
9 Hawkes , in turn , gave the book a mockingly dismissive review in the TLS , without mentioning Nuttall 's accusation against him .
10 The advert gave the story its vaguely Thirties setting .
11 Immediately , her expression and pace of approach changed and instead of the lambasting , or worse , she had seemed about to deliver , she gave the child a tolerant smile and began to pick up the scattered cans .
12 Apparently uncertain as to camera angles , Witchell and the others frequently gave the impression of having spotted a lesbian stalking across the floor .
13 This is not so much in narrative coherence — the programme book gave the complete synopsis — as in dramatic timing .
14 Happily these two roles are crucial ones , and the powerful delineation of this central rivalry gave the whole performance its backbone .
15 Pressed on the justification for killing non-combatant musicians at Deal , he added : ‘ Your Minister of Defence gave the answer to that when he said they were marines first and musicians second . ’
16 Under British pressure , the French eventually departed in humiliation , but only after presiding over a covenant that gave the Lebanese republic the system of power-sharing which is now disintegrating .
17 Ms Short , the Labour MP for Birmingham Ladywood , gave the warning as the conference agreed to give women a higher profile in the party with a 40 per cent quota for women on all party committees and local party delegations .
18 The rejected text gave the parties until Monday to resolve the dispute , failing which the government would take full powers for the railways in Transcaucasia , and send in the army to guard bridges and tunnels , and ensure the safety of rail workers .
19 The Washington Times reported yesterday that senior US military officers in Panama gave the rebel officers ‘ tacit ’ assurances of American assistance .
20 But , when the League re-started , we gave the public nothing . ’
21 The sheer fury of Southend 's running kept Spurs under pressure and in the 41st minute Gary Mabbutt , newly cautioned for bringing down the impressive David Crown , gave the ball to him .
22 Many of the ordinary Panamanians who gave the general such a stinging defeat in May 's annulled elections were astonished that the US allowed the coup to collapse when it had 12,000 troops stationed around the canal .
23 Now that the Spanish race has been and gone , it is a matter of clearing Mansell 's name and it would seem that the evidence offered gave the court food for thought .
24 THE FRENCH love to lay on the style and their over-the-top preliminaries - world 's biggest scrum , Un Show Laser — to this week 's Bicentenary match against the Lions in Paris gave the evening a sense of occasion which the rugby itself also justified .
25 The world No. 1 gave the tie her best , however , but even that was not enough to make up for the shortcomings of her second in command , Claudia Kohde- Kilsch .
26 We gave the whole matter a fair airing on everything involved in South Africa and that 's why the result is as such .
27 He had the most stars on his books , he had the most friends and he gave the most renowned New York parties .
28 A late equaliser by Rowan Alexander gave the Greenock side the point after Grant Jenkins 's goal had put the Perth team ahead at half-time .
29 It was Mayer who gave the experienced Michael York a torrid afternoon and created a string of opportunities with penetrating crosses .
30 Thus , perhaps without realising the implications , the Soviet parliament gave the go-ahead for the most revolutionary experiment here since Lenin 's New Economic Policy of the 1920s : for a massive delegation of powers from the centre , permitting a single republic to create its own market-oriented economy , with its own budget , and to redraw economic rules which basically Stalin 's .
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