Example sentences of "kind of " in BNC.

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1 I did and I was absolutely amazed at how much stuff I sold and the kind of things people bought .
2 Margaret Gillies says , ‘ We are discovering the extent of the need for the kind of help that ACET offers from other support agencies including Scottish AIDS Monitor and Body Positive as well as hospital contacts and local counselling services . ’
3 The commonest cause of death is now advanced Kaposi 's Sarcoma ( a kind of cancer ) .
4 Organisations like ACET need this kind of support to enable people like myself to retain maximum control and continue to live at home .
5 The critic , too , according to Baudelaire has a right to be independent , and to work without a system ‘ which is a kind of damnation which forces one to a perpetual recantation ’ .
6 The explanation of the kind of art shown in this exhibition may be sought in the deep-seated and persistent interest which human beings have in the fantastic , the irrational , the spontaneous , the marvellous , the enigmatic , and the dreamlike .
7 Indeed , the kind of life which he bestows on his coffee-pot or coffee-grinder , his table , his chair and window , is just the sort of life we feel these things are really living !
8 On these occasions the eye discerns a kind of visibility in ‘ an area of darkness ’ : this , in fact , is the title of the book which records Naipaul 's ‘ experience of India ’ .
9 Chatterton is as much as anything the famous painting of his death in a Holborn attic done in the 1850s by Henry Wallis — with the poet lying across the bed in a kind of frozen entrechat .
10 Eluard 's soaring ‘ lyricism ’ helped to perpetuate a tyranny , and is the kind of thing which led Kundera to employ the title The Lyric Age for the work which first came to him in the mid-Fifties , and which his publishers prevailed on him to retitle Life is elsewhere when it was completed in 1969 .
11 For the starvelings it had to suffice that His Munificent Highness personally attached the greatest importance to their fate , which was a very special kind of attachment , of an order higher than the highest .
12 And the only kind of respect worth having is the insincere kind . ’
13 Soon after Hamilton 's battle-scarred book came out , moreover , in the spring of 1988 , there appeared in Britain a kind of memoir entitled The Facts-A Novelist 's Autobiography in which the issue was addressed in some passages of exceptional interest — the gaze and forehead of Olympian Zeus after the outcries and the special and professional pleading which had surrounded all but one of these other events .
14 These remarks concerning If this is a man do not describe the kind of book which runs easily to sequels , and which is easy to live up to .
15 The first two autobiographies , that is to say , are the kind of book to which a tradition of literary interpretation has been inimical , imagining for itself a literature of impersonality , in which autobiography is subsumed , invisible .
16 This kind of thing has been said about Hamlet , to whom , as I say , Kelman alludes , and more than alludes .
17 Wilde 's The Importance of Being Earnest is a must and of the large Shavian canon I suggest you read St Joan and The Doctor 's Dilemma or Major Barbara to get a clear idea of his style and the kind of demands he makes of actors verbally .
18 Once again , the Regional Arts Association will know the leading amateur companies in your area , and this should certainly help you in looking for the kind of group to which you are best suited .
19 ( Monday to Friday ) , giving a taste of the kind of stamina that will ultimately be required over a much longer period .
20 The case of a physics teacher who wanted to become an actor is interesting in showing the kind of problems which accompany a late entry into drama school .
21 The next step is to prepare for the audition at a drama school and find the right kind of textual material which will allow you to show the best of yourself .
22 A lot will depend on your current theatre experience and whether you have done much acting , but finding the right kind of character to work in an audition is going to mean some careful thinking and planning .
23 Clothes are important — you should wear something which enhances your own self esteem and creates the right kind of impression .
24 She talks incessantly and seems over-enthusiastic about nearly every aspect of life — prattling on without caring much about the kind of responses she gets from other human beings around .
25 Ask yourself about the current African political scene and read round it to find interesting parallels , since Mageeba represents a mixture of the kind of African leadership to be found .
26 The student may want to find out more about the kind of parts he/she may play in the future , or indeed may have played during the time already spent at drama school .
27 Drama school productions are staged with an awareness of the kind of demands the profession will make , and students are naturally anxious to be seen in the final production by people who 're likely to offer them work .
28 It 's very difficult , though , to say what the right kind of photograph is , for obviously actors are very different , but remember that a good photograph is not necessarily an art photograph .
29 Not everyone suits the same kind of photographic style , and it may take several tries before you find a picture that eventually gets you noticed .
30 Now I think that 's the right way to get to know the kind of talent there is , rather than a straight knock-down audition .
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