Example sentences of "kind [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Tall Loretta is supposed to pursue masculine endings of a linguistic kind as a London University academic but she is easily diverted to Bridget 's base at St Mark 's , Cambridge , and to discussions of one kind and another in Paris .
2 It is clear from L'ère du soupçon that Sarraute is arguing from a position which considers psychological realism of the traditional kind as a falsification of mental experience .
3 ‘ He 's — the kind as … .
4 Although it is certainly tempting to use reformulations of this kind as evidence that [ VSQ ] and [ QSV ] are variants of an underlying variable , used by speakers in spoken discourse much like successive realizations of pit as [ p ? ] and [ p ? t ] when the first realization is not heard clearly , such evidence can not consistently be relied upon without further qualification to define a set of syntactic variants .
5 Forced to listen to all those hoary chestnuts that cast me and my kind as the bad guys , and the butt of all the jokes .
6 ‘ A lot of people liked it and some did n't , though the press was real kind about it .
7 These are all descriptive statements ; that is , they are statements of a kind about which readers can readily agree , without appeal to critical judgment .
8 For a time he showed a certain curiosity about Liszt and something of the same kind about Wagner .
9 One or two other questions , of a routine kind about the house in Mouncy Street , more to keep her talking , open her up , than anything else .
10 Lothar , one of the RCM 's more difficult cases , had troubles of a different kind during his time in the forces .
11 After the original grants to her supporters in the coup d'état of 1762 which placed her on the throne , Catherine made very few presents of this kind during the decade 1762–72 , when her dependence on noble support is usually supposed to have been at its height .
12 This can be seen in their reaction to the most striking change of this kind during the whole early modern period — the assumption by Tsar Peter I in 1721 of the new title of Emperor ( Imperator ) .
13 It is also a good idea to make covers of some kind for the trailer tyres .
14 The tax in kind for 1921–2 realized only 150 million pudy , half of the total collection for 1920–1 .
15 Choose the push-fit kind for ease of use .
16 Perhaps she was still too much like Miss Harker and her kind for him to feel comfortable .
17 If you or any member of your family suffer death , bodily injury or illness arising from negligence of our suppliers ( other than air and sea carriers performing any domestic , internal or international carriage of whatsoever kind for whom we accept no liability ) , their sub=contractors , servants and/or agents , we will accept responsibility provided that they were acting within the scope of or in the course of their employment when the accident occurred .
18 This arises not only because fathers tend to reject young sons at puberty but also because young males show a preference for their own kind for company .
19 The weather was kind for the Golden Jubilee Celebrations of the Henley Golf Club which were held last weekend and large numbers of members and friends attended and were very appreciative of the arrangements which had been made .
20 I have already argued the case for having public examinations of some kind for all pupils at school , for the benefit of the outside world .
21 Britain is virtually the only country with a major collection which gives a service of this kind for all subjects .
22 Cats have long memories , especially where a nasty shock is concerned , and may remember a bad experience of this kind for years afterwards .
23 It was not an animal you 'd care to tangle with , not even for the sake of the high-k meat that clung to its bones , not while rats were smaller and had less impressive jaws and could , besides , be sold to the lower-Level kind for a bounty of six minims per head , not to mention what their meat and skin would fetch .
24 The miners ' strike of 1984/5 was without doubt one of the most important and serious disputes of its kind for at least sixty years , that is since the General Strike of 1926 .
25 Payment in kind for Auschwitz and Belsen .
26 It was n't just that Major appeared to have accepted a dare to go through an entire broadcast without offering a single specific incentive of any kind for people to vote for him , but Brunson , an experienced broadcaster , was even odder .
27 NOW the Queen is to be a taxpayer , I assume tax will also be charged as a benefit in kind for private use of her yacht , train , aeroplane and homes .
28 I should be grateful if you would consider whether exceptions of this kind for categories of pupils can be justified in the case of English .
29 We have always assumed that animal protein was the necessary kind for human health .
30 Professor Hayek recognises that a free-enterprise economy requires the presence of strong moral standards of a particular kind for it to work : the two crucial ones being a belief in individual responsibility and a recognition that the merit and worth of individuals do not correspond to the material rewards of the market economy .
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