Example sentences of "felt he " in BNC.

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1 Long before they had passed the watershed and were looking over into the jaws of the mountains at the head of Loch Morar , young Angus felt he had strayed into a foreign country .
2 He felt he had scarcely fallen asleep , he was dreaming of a black river , with no banks , yet there was something there , a source of light that he wanted to reach , which he could not reach against the cold drive of the current …
3 Although studying and admiring Tchaikovsky 's methods of composition , Stravinsky felt he could break away from the stereotyped dance forms demanded by nineteenth-century balletmasters , His music was far more economical in melody and orchestral sound but his rhythmic phrasings and marked attention to newer dance forms inspired Ashton to break away from traditional class-room practices .
4 A further study of Les Sylphides reveals Fokine 's great understanding of the dance rhythms which he felt he had to make visible whenever he was using well-recognised dance forms .
5 Even some of those who suffered most under Marcos 's dictatorial reign felt he should be allowed home .
6 Mr Browning , who believes the bronzes were smuggled out of the country and later bought by the galleries , said that he felt he had been ‘ led up the garden path ’ .
7 ‘ We did not accept his resignation because we felt he had already been dismissed in the summer , ’ Lawrie Hargrave said .
8 He felt he would be in ‘ a better position to settle on the appropriate form of punishment ’ if he knew the victim 's feelings .
9 Later I thought it through and decided a big part of it was that , although he was coining it from the teds , I think he felt he was seen — by his peers — as an artistic cretin .
10 That was as much as he felt he could cope with for a while , but he was soon to be ‘ prevailed upon by government ’ to become chairman of British Steel in double harness with the Tate $ Lyle job .
11 In his 1965 article , ‘ Aesthetic of Hunger ’ , enormously influential on Third World cinema and art , Glauber felt he had given ‘ the measure of my rational understanding of poverty ’ .
12 We felt he was trying to avoid the whole issue .
13 He felt he had to go .
14 He found that he could n't go out with the lads anymore , and he felt he 'd lost his happy-go-lucky side .
15 Bridget Culross was the last name with which he felt he need concern himself .
16 There is no doubt that Charles has done a great deal that his father has been proud of and has excelled at sports like polo that the Duke of Edinburgh played when he was younger , but the Prince never felt he was good enough .
17 The Prince felt he was in the company of someone very special , took great delight in time spent talking to him , and was inspired by all that he heard .
18 He had left in 1979 , when he felt he was no longer the right man for the job , and the Honourable Edward Adeane had replaced him .
19 Charles constantly felt he had done nothing to earn it ; there was no feeling of satisfaction in a job well done .
20 The Prince had never publicly been so outspoken on such a politically sensitive subject , but it was something he felt he could not ignore .
21 For all that , you felt he was not alone .
22 Similarly , in the Oval Test , Sobers put in a prodigious spell of bowling , keeping at it because his captain felt he was the right bowler for the situation .
23 Yet at the age of forty he still regarded himself a failure because his mother had projected on to him her anxieties to such an extent that he never felt he matched up to her expectation of him .
24 Eleanor was nearly twice the age he felt he deserved , and it had been his ambition for a long time to have a girl just at the point when it became legal .
25 Nigel sometimes felt he did n't deserve such imitative admiration .
26 Nigel always felt he won hands down in a verbal fight .
27 He felt he was being particularly generous offering marriage to someone he had not yet met .
28 He felt he had made a fool of himself .
29 He felt he would have been let down by his fellow journalists .
30 Loath as Nigel was to cut into the flow of praise , he felt he ought to broach the subject of going home .
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