Example sentences of "felt [that] " in BNC.

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1 A guide to London public sculpture described the monument as ‘ A masterpiece by the much-advertised apostle of Ugliness ’ , a view shared by those who felt that Hudson the nature lover was ill commemorated by a sculpture which showed nature in so raw a state .
2 He certainly felt that the culture of the state should reflect the fact that it was 93 per cent Roman catholic .
3 They felt that it was partly their responsibility to bring up their children in an atmosphere of knowledge and understanding of protestants , as they believed part of the difficulties of life in Ulster were caused by this lack of contact .
4 In doing so we felt that casual passers-by , looking in the window at the menu , would be more likely to come in knowing what price they would have to pay .
5 ‘ Look , I just felt that it was time for a change , that 's all .
6 After Paul left , the party broke up quickly , as though everyone felt that the business of the day had now been concluded .
7 At thirty-seven she could only say for sure who she was not and she felt that time was running out .
8 She felt that she would like to take up life drawing .
9 I felt that on this particular piece it did struggle through the heartwood at times , especially on the figure 's right-hand side as this was extremely hard in places , with dense interlocking grain where a branch or branches had formed .
10 The ADC felt that this was ironic , given that a property has to be close to amenities if it is to be excluded from the Right to Buy ;
11 He felt that if he waltzed his dancers round and round as in a ballroom he would not be interpreting Chopin 's idealised romantic waltzes for a solo pianist .
12 He felt that to stop the dance and make gestures , no matter how elegantly , destroyed the flow and the ability of the dancers to communicate expressively the meaning of their movements .
13 She felt that their use ‘ would elongate the dancers ' silhouettes and thus resemble the figures of Byzantine Saints ’ .
14 I pondered on these things and felt that it was not good …
15 Basically he felt that as Class AA was his freshman project , any exposure to your article would have had to have been indirect via his teachers .
16 He always felt that effective musical criticism began by being well written , and he never lost his liveliness .
17 They felt that the course of events was beyond their influence ; they were living well .
18 The Divisional Court felt that the copy documents which the solicitor had prepared for counsel were necessarily franked by professional privilege .
19 The Divisional Court felt that it followed inexorably that privilege must attach to the photocopies made in those circumstances .
20 Mr Honecker evidently felt that things were going so well he could afford to relax and give his people what they wanted most : more freedom to travel to the West .
21 After graduating , Keeton felt that the available fellowship should fall to him .
22 ‘ As wholesalers we felt that Billingsgate was not offering us the facilities we needed , ’ he explains .
23 He rightly felt that in the age of nuclear weapons any future war in Europe would be an act of suicide and so from 1956 he appealed repeatedly for an improvement in East-West relations and for super-power disengagement in the continent 's central heartland .
24 Belinda had made a conscious decision to have a baby and felt that it was important to keep healthy by eating well and exercising during her pregnancy .
25 Like so many women of her age , Belinda wanted her baby very much and felt that it was a miracle when she became pregnant .
26 Western diplomats in Cairo said yesterday that Washington had asked Egypt to persuade the PLO to accept the exclusion of Palestinians from outside the Israeli-occupied territories in such a delegation , but they felt that neither the PLO nor Egypt was likely to accept this .
27 He also had a high opinion of British travellers and officials but felt that they were not dedicated , or good examples of Christian virtues ; they had not been chosen for their moral worth and were likely to be judged by Muslims in that light .
28 Roxburgh felt that Nicol , as an integral part of a superb club side , had difficulty in realising his potential in the wider arena , but ‘ you keep hoping and hoping , because you know he has it to give . ’
29 I felt that the world and everything in it was benign , that Alison was infinitely precious and that Dummett 's argument from value — that we know there is right and wrong — to a transcendent being was certainly sound .
30 On balance , the public felt that bias on both channels favoured the Conservative party and the Conservative party alone .
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