Example sentences of "felt [vb mod] " in BNC.

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1 A few weeks later , Mrs Wilson discovered for herself what she felt must have been the reason for the heart attack .
2 And the break-up of the family was a change which Wordsworth felt must be resisted .
3 In effect we defined our own ‘ real work ’ and those activities we felt should have credence were given priority , so the role we pursued simply evolved .
4 Mr Shaw said that a jury 's task in awarding damages would be very difficult : ‘ It is probably a unique case , with a unique plaintiff , whom they probably felt should n't be made to suffer any more .
5 In early 1966 Hayes was asked to nominate any prisoners he felt should be transferred to these new secure prisons .
6 In the possibility that it might be useful , I documented in his record what we talked about , and my view , as a psychiatrist , that he was absolutely lucid , and that his judgment was not impulsive , but rather a carefully thought through and well-considered decision which I felt should be respected .
7 This is one of the issues it felt should be tackled in the UK whose system also , according to , convener of ICAS 's international tax committee , ‘ disadvantages British business operating internationally and taxes foreign companies trading in Britain less heavily than British ones .
8 Despite the criticisms that can be made of Etzioni 's methodology it is valuable in identifying different types of organizational power and relating these to other organizational characteristics , including not only efficiency but also the types of members , clients , customers and other ‘ participants ’ that Etzioni felt should be included in the analysis of an organization 's existence .
9 However , for one in five of the people in residential homes for a year or more , our respondents said that there were relatives who they felt might have visited more often .
10 She kept a commonplace book unknown to all but Dimity , who sometimes pointed out a passage in her reading which she felt might appeal to her friend .
11 I was in charge of what is known as the governor , which I felt might be an error , but I did exactly as I was told and all went well .
12 The Ambassador replied that he realized that no statement could be made on this subject and he himself had avoided making any such statement which he felt might prove embarrassing .
13 As I had come to know a number of rectors and vicars in the course of my journeys , for reasons which I have mentioned , Eliot questioned me about what he felt might he a mounting danger , namely that the Church might seek to increase by chauvinism what it appeared to be losing in spirituality : and indeed the vicar of my own village had been upbraided by a group of parishioners for not preaching sermons directly furthering the war effort , which Eliot said was tantamount to making him into an unpaid official of the MOI .
14 It was something he felt might come in very handy .
15 He did see himself very much as a responsible figure as far as other people 's well being was concerned when it came to this , and this was probably based on the fact that his step-brother , Terry , by his mother 's previous marriage , was classified as schizophrenic , a problem which David felt could be hereditary . ’
16 Others suggested that their schools had an improved and more balanced curriculum , as a result of much more careful planning and prioritising , something which they felt could not have been achieved without devolution .
17 However , he did not discount the possibility that larger agitations based on ‘ racial consciousness ’ might arise , and these he felt could only be forestalled by making appropriate changes in the structure of administration .
18 But when Clift confided in her about his homosexual tendencies , she referred him to a colleague whom she felt could help him infinitely more than she could .
19 So it was Jones ' motivation — the possibility that fusion was at work within the Earth and possibly responsible for its heat , even though he saw none directly , that the University of Utah felt could derail priority for their own heat measurements .
20 All that time , Lou had been writing songs with Eric Gaffney , little nuggets of openness and hysteria he felt could n't compete with J 's ego-driven broader strokes .
21 The fieldwork data basically fell into three categories : that which I felt could definitely be published , that which could definitely not be published , and that which I was unsure about .
22 Each of the practices reported some improvement in the provision of hospital care or practice services that they felt could be attributed to the acquisition of fundholding status .
23 The new organisation would aim to promote younger Spanish artists such as Gordillo , Valdès , Barcelon and Guerrero who he felt could attain the international status of the top rank names such as Tàpies and Chillida .
24 They were able to request anything they wanted from their administrative colleagues which they felt could aid them on any given mission .
25 Even the quest for fire , an element of nature taken for granted in the twentieth century , Whitaker felt could be held up as an artifact of wonder through the medium of Doctor Who .
26 This was to be not just a travel book but one which should be of use if , as seemed increasingly likely , we should be involved in hostilities with Italy : a circumstance which I nevertheless felt could , with diplomatic skill , be avoided .
27 Candidates had to write down what they felt would most help them improve their lives and these suggestions were forwarded to the Prince in the diplomatic bag to wherever he happened to be in the world ; he then chose whom the money should go to .
28 Although it was proposed to shield this with ‘ massive planting ’ , this in itself we felt would be a major intrusion .
29 The judges ' decision can therefore be seen as an attempt by enlightened amateurs to retain their position as arbiters of taste in the face of these threats , by sponsoring a style of architecture which they felt would be an appropriate form of building in Victorian England .
30 Perhaps the cutbacks in staffing that many libraries are currently experiencing will finally provide the ‘ outside stimulus ’ that Edwards felt would be necessary to alter this situation , in the sense of accelerating a move away from equating a ‘ formal ’ or planned training programme , with any particular method of training .
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