Example sentences of "told [prep] " in BNC.

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1 In illustration of the absurdity of this ‘ scientific ’ arrogance , and teaching a lesson which is just as applicable today , he appeals to a story Gassendi told about a friend who watched a fight between a louse and a flea through a microscope .
2 His father , like John 's , had been still young when their father died , and consequently could not remember him , only the ‘ very Victorian mother ’ who brought them up , and the tales she told about him .
3 Then I told about the tales the neighbours were telling about her Mum and her men friends .
4 So a dramatic story like the one told about the Carib is clearly not adequate : it over explains what is really a rather small difference .
5 She told about the shame , and the heartbreaking decision she was forced to make under duress .
6 At the end , when she told about the enterprising boys ' attempt to send a sample ‘ nugget ’ — of worthless pyrites — to the mines department for assaying , Faye actually smiled , and quickly Belinda went on to think of more stories from her outback childhood .
7 Rather shamefacedly , he told about the library .
8 That brief story you told about how my physical appearance might affect my social interactions and my social interactions might affect my psychic make up .
9 There was a story he told about the man who came to his flat and said in a gruff voice , ‘ Come on then — let's get on with it then . ’
10 On one occasion , Orton told about an old man who took him into a cave in Tunisia and asked him to feel his posterior .
11 None of the banter Lou heard , however , compared with the stories he told about mutual acquaintances — sometimes in the embarrassed and blushing presence of the people about whom he talked .
12 Hawk had seen it told as a series of pictures on buffalo hides .
13 He gives up a day job to write down the stories — of the Secret Mountain , the Sound that could be Seen , the Slow Children and the Magic Duvet — that he once told for free to a rabble of offspring and other kin and friends .
14 We talked about other things , and I told for the first time the story of how I lost the job at Drummonds , which made us both laugh so much the nurses came running with shocked looks to shut us up .
15 An incident at dinner on Sunday night became part of the Reverend Mr Grant 's conversational furniture , a story he told for many years later .
16 The story of railways in Wales told through superb visual displays plus ten steam locomotives of the Wales Railway Centre .
17 He told of his own difficulties in finding time to read all the variable essays submitted and knew of many that were never sent in at all .
18 Inspired by Dante 's Divine Comedy and the sad tale of his love fur Beatrice and by medieval ballads about a knight saving a damsel in distress , their works told of lovers in search of a beloved , a metaphor for the ‘ artist in search of his muse ’ .
19 Reports from the Commando units around the village told of determined German counter attacks during the night with many casualties .
20 A teacher , again in a Southall primary school , told of an ‘ amusing ’ incident when an Indian girl of ten was reduced to tears when she had to go out in the sun in the summer term .
21 Paul looked down the road to where distant lights told of the approach of the bus .
22 The Hartlepool Mail told of one emergency board meeting hastily convened on a Skipton pavement .
23 The message behind the television and radio campaign was reinforced by a mother who told of her only daughter being killed three years ago by a drunken motorist .
24 Contacted by telephone early yesterday when fighting was still under way , a young American couple told of how they crouched on the floor of their appartment , armed with their own guns , terrified that reports of the Battalions roaming suburban areas would mean the thugs appearing at their door .
25 The doctor also told of a four-hour meeting with a group of Irish throwers , who asked his advice on how to improve the efficiency of their drug programme .
26 ’ At Shotesham there are delicate plaster ceilings and a frieze of wheat-ears and hops in the entrance hall , which told of Robert Fellowes ' surrounding acres .
27 At the end of one recent service , a message from a clairvoyant told of three men suffering from chest pains ; not three but four sufferers stepped up to the altar to be healed .
28 If the Joseph story told of the healing of conflict among brothers , it told also of the proper fulfilment of the bond between father and son .
29 Information filtering back home from soldiers on leave told of the unparalleled barbarity of the ideological warfare on the eastern Front , where Soviet commissars were being shot on capture and Jews massacred in their thousands .
30 It was striking that many of the girls I spoke to with anorexia or bulimia ( an eating disorder similar to anorexia , but in which sufferers make themselves sick or take laxatives to keep their weight down ; both methods are extremely dangerous to health ) told of an incident ( which they often insist was small or insignificant ) of sexual harassment or abuse which marked the start of their body obsession .
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