Example sentences of "effect a " in BNC.

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1 Here is a most revealing instance of the way a difference within the same , teleologically construed , can make a great deal of difference : in effect a difference of degree can be as real as a difference of kind but in a different way : the lesser is inferior and thereby inimical in a way the antithetical can not be , and the same becomes more ditferent than difference itself .
2 Being in effect a doll , Blackeyes was as dumb as she was beautiful but I could n't have put it better myself .
3 The debate on these options in Whitehall was one-sided , because the RAF wanted to maintain its hold on the deterrent and the Navy was still uncertain about what effect a take-over bid would have on the future size and shape of the Fleet .
4 Because Japanese firms supply the vast majority of the world 's memory chips , these prices are in effect a floor price for all memory chips .
5 ‘ You was breathing fire and brimstone ! ’ she guessed , well knowing the effect a Puck Fair fortune-telling might have on a customer .
6 Indeed , in this discussion Qaddafi mentions women only once , in what is in effect a recommendation to endogamy :
7 These two sequences are connected by the ‘ genetic code ’ , which is in effect a listing of which groups of bases specify which amino acids .
8 Soon after the return of the Beagle , when he was still seeking for a mechanism for evolution , he began a series of notebooks , the M and N notebooks , which are in effect a search for a materialist theory of psychology : they are concerned with anything — for example , the effects of drugs , of ageing — which suggests that thoughts are influenced by the state of the brain .
9 In other words , so long as the campaign was in effect a referendum on the Government 's performance , Labour won .
10 With a revised scale for its deficiency payments , in effect a reduction of 50% grant-aid to WEA classes in the county , the LEA with only marginally increased costs was seen to be acceding to public demand for continuity and simultaneously responding to the recommendation of the Carnegie Trustees .
11 The first arose from the government 's decision to impose a standstill grant for that year — in effect a reduction in the District 's planned programme in the 1952–53 session at a time when much patient work to gain support from trade union branches and members had succeeded particularly in Norwich and Northamptonshire .
12 On horseback the long reach of the swordsman is supported by his horse , enabling him to use with great effect a weapon that might be cumbersome on foot .
13 This group range is in effect a male-group territory and is defended as such against groups of other males .
14 It is a direct intuition of God , in effect a hotline that bypasses the ambiguous world of the senses that might indeed provide only partial or uncertain evidence of the Deity .
15 One , the one they choose to worship , is so much more powerful than all the others that He belongs to what is in effect a different category of being .
16 A specially engineered ‘ repository ’ — in effect a massive network of tunnels and shafts — would have to be constructed either deep underground on land or under the bed of the sea .
17 In effect a miscarriage of a pregnancy that was never a real pregnancy .
18 Wright 's character is in effect a projected reader registering bewilderment before an artefact which has abandoned conventional ordering .
19 So fascinated was the Maharaja Scindia of Gwalior with railways that his table was adorned with a silver centrepiece , in effect a classical station adorned with statuary and urns , from which there emerged a silver model of a train which circulated liqueurs and cigars .
20 The band probably exaggerate the effect a Cossack-flavoured version of ‘ Those Were The Days ’ would have had on their career .
21 As the picture of the production line shows , construction was lightweight , and the cars had half-windows , a folding soft roof , half doors , no separate driver 's cab , minimum lighting and wooden seats : in effect a streamlined crossbench car .
22 With no outside blood since their enclosure at least three centuries ago , the Chillinghams are now in effect a separate breed , and of course inbred at that .
23 It is in effect a CAB national resource and an example to those interested in its work .
24 And so more than ever the ‘ voluntary ’ CAB finds itself carrying out what should be in effect a statutory task .
25 First , there is the problem of how to integrate the fragmented educational administration ; and second , how to put into effect a new curriculum to replace the South African one .
26 They mark especial favours from the sovereign , for although ordinary grants of arms can be purchased ( subject always to the Earl Marshal 's pleasure and discretion ) , an augmentation can not , for its bestowal is in effect a royal warrant under the hand and seal of the reigning monarch .
27 A useful guide to the first two is to see what effect a symptom has on the patient 's ability to function as a whole , creative , happy , loving human being , taking into account their normal state of course !
28 The financial system is in effect a superstructure erected upon the real wealth of a nation — its physical assets .
29 Rights are a central issue in being assertive ( see page 8 ) , since a decision to be assertive , as opposed to aggressive or submissive , is in effect a decision to stand up for your rights in a way that respects other people 's rights .
30 Apparently the intention of the testator is to remit a debt , so this is in effect a bequest of liberatio .
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