Example sentences of "found my " in BNC.

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1 In these days of concern for the environment I am unwilling to use peat ( though I did try it some years ago and found my plants made little headway anyway ) .
2 I then found my application for financial assistance for part-time study had been rejected ‘ because anthropology is not on the approved list of subjects ( in the Circular ) ’ ( Memo from HQ 1977 ) .
3 By the second act , with its greater density of incident , I found my sympathies withdrawing .
4 I found my own apprehension of form and my sense of humour very much the same as masons of around four hundred years before .
5 IN THE run-up to last Thursday I found my thoughts turning to a story Alistair Cooke once told to explain the most notorious of all opinion poll upsets , Truman 's victory over Dewey in 1948 .
6 I have no recollection of how I found my way there in the dark , but I do remember having to knock up the concièrge , who grumbled in just the style portrayed in the cinema .
7 I found my penknife and kept it close as the shadow of a vulture wheeled over the tent .
8 The shadow 's information proved to be correct ; fifteen minutes later , I found my dolmen .
9 I found my son Joseph , aged seven , in one of the five bars with Sammy , a young soldier .
10 I found my hexagram under the rubric K'un — Oppression ( Exhaustion ) .
11 I reached out an arm in the darkness and found my pile of loose coins , placed , as usual , to the left of the groundsheet .
12 Yet I found my own conviction that the attempt would result in my death steadfast and stubborn .
13 When I started on my mental journey ; the way seemed to be dark and impossible , yet I slowly found my way ; and so can everyone else .
14 I found my way to a temperance hotel advertised in the guide-book and found it a homely house .
15 Anyone who could play an instrument or sing in tune was roped in , and I found my name put down on a list to be a chorus girl .
16 For instance when he visited Manchester in 1814 he wrote 9th September — an exceedingly pleasant ride all the way from Leicester to Manchester … we found my poor mother ( actually his step-mother ) surprisingly well for a person of 80 — dined at Brother 's and drank tea with my mother and Aunt Weston ’ , and on ‘ Sunday , I went to my mother 's and walked back with Aunt Evans to my brother 's , she walked wonderfully for a person of 82½ — drank tea again at my mother 's .
17 He 's a thief , a criminal , he nicked my bag and I had to sift through every shit-bin in Bristol till I found my dreams and found out what I ought to 've known all along if you had n't …
18 Last week Julian discussed cross-dressing , his eye having been caught by an article in Family Circle headlined ‘ I Found My Husband Wearing My Nightdress ’ .
19 ‘ Eventually I got onto the runway and found my wife .
20 I was very determined that drama activities would play a central role in the English curriculum , and I found my Working Group were unanimous in supporting this approach .
21 ‘ Oh , bloody hell , ’ I found my voice .
22 McIllvanney found my defiance wonderfully amusing .
23 So we went and one of the other agents came into the cinema , found my agent who was with us , and started negotiating , and suddenly , just like that , it was all off . ’
24 I went home feeling miserable and ashamed for being such a fool but I did n't have long to indulge my self-pity , for when I entered our house I found my brother Jack and Mum quarrelling loudly .
25 Not knowing then what a polyp was , I still found my eyes welling up with tears of relief .
26 I could n't lie still , and found my oblivious companions both irritating and enviable .
27 ‘ When I played for Transvaal I found my role very different to that employed for either club or country .
28 I flew into the dining room , and found my husband in the middle of the floor , with a gaping hole in the ceiling above him .
29 I found my knowledge of pattern making helped a lot with the knitting machine concept .
30 But I have been divorced 30 years and know I 'd feel the same as the man who was jailed if I found my wife in the arms of someone else .
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