Example sentences of "known [adv] " in BNC.

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1 Such systems are now commonly known within and without the field of Artificial Intelligence as ‘ expert systems ’ .
2 If we do not use them they tend to degenerate , a process known medically as disuse atrophy .
3 River blindness — known medically as onchocerciasis — is one of the most important causes of blindness in rural areas of West Africa .
4 in order to be known thereby , while others
5 There are a few similar species , known rarely from rocks of Cretaceous and Tertiary age , distinguished on the branching patterns of the fronds .
6 What she has known most intimately these last years has been intense pain .
7 These hornitos , which are also known rather aptly as driblet cones , go on growing as long as there is both gas and lava to feed them , and they may reach a height of many metres .
8 Looking back , Liz would try to remember the moment at which she had known rather than not known : she would have liked to have thought that she had known always , that there was no moment of shock , that knowledge had lain within her ( the all-knowing ) , that she had never truly been deceived , that at the very worst she had connived at her own deceit .
9 He had known right away what had happened .
10 She is Clara Hale , known mostly just as Mother Hale , and since she first laid a row of cots across the living room of her flat on 122nd Street in Harlem in 1943 , she has become the Mother Teresa of New York 's black slums .
11 The southern islands became known mostly during the 17th to 19th centuries ; Antarctica itself remained unvisited until the late 18th century , and unrecognized as a continent before the start of the 20th century .
12 One theory is that there used to be a group of cattle to the west of the Pennines and in the south west known loosely as the Red Wessex .
13 It works through plankton communities , particularly those known loosely as algae .
14 The authority said : ‘ Dr Starkie has agreed that it should be made known publically at this juncture that she is suffering progressive neurological disease multiple sclerosis .
15 She was unlike the girl she 'd been or the women he 'd known since ; she had a rare energy , and it was good to be near .
16 Standing in the fields in the centre of the island were two tall stone menhirs , known locally as Jean and Jeanne .
17 It is known locally as ‘ Chapel Village ’ , because the Gothic windows of the cottages have a mildly methodist look .
18 The sting — known locally as ‘ Operation Desert Shame ’ — is the most fun .
19 Some areas , known locally as ‘ the zone ’ , are still closed to civilians .
20 The letter in his hand aroused in him a sense of urgency that offset his fear of the narrow enclosed footpath known locally as Dead Man 's Alley .
21 The Gold Coast , as the northern flank is known locally , is home to businessmen , doctors , judges and other leading figures of the Ulster establishment .
22 Known locally as the Kenwood Triangle , Bishop 's Avenue has properties starting at a million pounds and rising to the £25 million asking price of the vast , newly-built Towers .
23 Kirchberg is well known locally for its band and throughout the season they stage many concerts ranging from the serene to good old thigh slapping and yodelling nights out .
24 Although still two years before the Club was constituted , the land had clearly been earmarked for a golf course , and in 1906 ‘ The Syndicate ’ , as the company was known locally , agreed to sell this same 70 acres of land to a nucleus of people who were to form the kernel of the Club 's future bondholders , but who were then merely interested persons .
25 It now became known locally as Playne 's Little Mill , run by Peter Playne and Co .
26 The business carried on , despite the 1932 fire , until 1935 , when it changed hands , becoming the Stroud Flock Company and later known locally as Lipsey 's Flock Mill .
27 It was known locally as The Creamery and is now a house .
28 The water supply to the mill house comes from one of the many springs in the area and has always been known locally as Newent Spa Water .
29 This appears to have been known locally as Cinderford Mill , although it is more widely remembered as Brights Corn Mill , the last miller being Samuel Bright .
30 Bejel , known locally as firzal and loath in the Middle East , and as dichuchwa in Botswana , usually presents in the secondary stage when shin lesions and mucous membrane lesions are seen .
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