Example sentences of "enough from " in BNC.

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1 North Shields magistrates clipped 90 minutes off the hours after hearing complaints that Tynemouth already suffered enough from drunkenness .
2 These appear to be parts of the Lord 's Prayer , but are confused by the addition of the complaint in the same typographical form , ‘ Life is very long' , appropriately enough from the more primitive world of An Outcast of the Islands .
3 Their view of the seriousness of Iraq 's action , and the reaction it demanded , was different enough from Mr Bush 's to scupper talk of global partnerships and replace it by what might be called contingent leadership .
4 But there was just enough from John Major this week to suggest that it is n't a fantasy either .
5 There would be change enough from her £5,000 after the funeral expenses had been paid , and I felt a little better after that .
6 Or , ‘ should be recovered enough from the shell-shock by polling day . ’
7 Set on its own rocky peninsula overlooking the sea , the hotel at Cala Mesquida is just far enough from the hustle and bustle to make it that little bit quieter and more relaxing .
8 ‘ Perhaps it is just far enough from the place where she was killed , to divert our attention . ’
9 It 's not expensive to live here and I earn enough from my lessons to keep me going .
10 And he turned toward the East and knelt and said , Holy Mary Mother , and all Saints , pray to God for me , that he may give me strength to destroy all the Pagans , and to win enough from them to requite my friends therewith , and all those who follow and help me .
11 Researches under the auspices of Britain 's Rare Breeds Survival Trust suggest that the indigenous breeds have not yet diverged enough from each other for a high frequency of chromosomal polymorphism to be established and in most of them the similarities far outweigh the differences .
12 And I had read enough and seen enough from other bits of our work , to feel that a lot of that was to do with coordination of services , or with the fact that services were not packaged to meet individuals ' needs .
13 Constantly they gaze Out There , and Clarke 's descriptions of the view are evocative as ever — Saganesque , one might say , except that Clarke was at it long before Sagan. 010 follows logically enough from 001 , book and film .
14 ‘ Quite frankly , we do n't think the Corby plant will recoup enough from the sale of electricity to pay all the overheads .
15 But when a cat is upset it can produce a whole variety of miaowing calls that sound different enough from one another to be classified as distinct vocalizations .
16 Candles give a warm glow to the festive arrangements ( but make sure they are far enough from the wallpaper not to scorch it or damage it with hot wax ) .
17 That 's more than enough from me .
18 Although a couple of David Platt 's efforts have derived from shots on the edge of the penalty area , as indeed did Paul Merson 's debut goal in Prague , the general rule is that England are not scoring enough from long range .
19 MICHAEL Watson has recovered enough from brain surgery to tell conqueror Chris Eubank : ‘ It was my own fault . ’
20 ‘ That 's quite enough from you , ’ Mrs Wormwood said , turning pink .
21 Even if he does , he 's safe enough from us as long as he 's not pushing .
22 By then some of them had diverged far enough from their original forms to become new species , and were no longer genetically capable of breeding with their mainland ancestors .
23 Whipped Cream are Scandinavian but even the odd accent does n't drag this version far enough from the original to make it an interpretation rather than a facsimile .
24 We could borrow one easily enough from a lifting vessel or salvage tug but the chances are high that he 'd know nothing about explosives .
25 At Mallia , the foundation course projected far enough from the rest of the wall to make a ledge that was wide enough to sit on .
26 Some people like to remove all the petals to ‘ clear the decks ’ , others will remove just enough from the centre to give enough space to work .
27 When considering the ‘ stars of the seasons ’ some allowances have to be made ; obviously the view from , say , Britain and the northern United States will be different from that in Southern Europe or the southern United States ; for example it is very difficult to see the Scorpion 's ‘ sting ’ from London , but easy enough from Athens or San Francisco .
28 It does not rise over La Palma in the Canary Islands , where the new observatory has been set up , but is easy enough from Hawaii .
29 So , that 's enough from me ( thank God ! — the rest of The Team ) , I 'll leave you to enjoy the rest of the issue .
30 Our mountain — Chong Kumdan — lay to the east of the Siachen , and although still in a sensitive area , was far enough from the fighting to persuade government officials to sanction our visit .
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