Example sentences of "enough into " in BNC.

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1 A third had such a huge appetite for aphids that ‘ we ca n't stuff enough into them ’ , he said .
2 It is often said , and rightly , that a lot of thought goes into defendants ' rights , but not enough into victims ' rights .
3 Unfortunately , this weighty tome does not go nearly far enough into this fascinating world of the interrelationships that ants have with the plants and other animals in their day-to-day business of running the world : Rather , we have a specialised symposium that concentrates on the largely negative aspects of viewing some of the world 's most fascinating species only as anthropogenic pests .
4 More likely the net was carried away because the ground was bone dry and hard and I had n't been able to push the stakes deep enough into the soil .
5 While a number of such problems can be treated successfully with deep-acting remedies or hypnotherapy , there are occasions when these can not reach deeply enough into the patient 's core .
6 Dig deep enough into Cud 's sordid past and you discover many horrible things .
7 Milton 's Lycidas , for example , goes conventionally enough into ‘ Elegy and Epitaph ’ , but the poem 's preoccupations could easily have qualified it for ‘ Church , State , and Belief ’ .
8 It seems the original X Consortium , scheduled to get a new director in January and slowly dissociate itself from MIT over the next year , is n't evolving fast enough into a fleet-footed marketing vehicle or even churning out saleable technology quickly enough to suit everybody .
9 No-one in the England camp was prepared to say whether there was less longing for the next tour of the Caribbean or to Pakistan , where the proposed 1996–97 series seems safely enough into the future .
10 ‘ The girl was positive she could contact the Angels if only she could get deep enough into Lucifer 's atmosphere .
11 The boys and their uneasy pastor were moving tidily enough into the first green enclosure which must be the frigidarium of the baths , emerging in little , bulbous groups from between the broken walls of the entrance .
12 ‘ In the old days they 'd have thumped enough into him to get him through his exam .
13 This is because as Dickens wrote his novels as weekly instalments he had to put enough into each instalment whether it be a couple of chapters or many , enough to captivate his readers and cause them to wait with eagerness for the next instalment .
14 When they first moved far enough into the courtyard to glimpse Gabriel sitting on his cloud , the morning sunshine dazzled eyes that had been indoors for days on end .
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