Example sentences of "therefore as " in BNC.

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1 It comes therefore as no surprise that these classes are disparate , weak and ideologically unsophisticated in terms of facing the problem of soil erosion and deforestation .
2 The Glass Menagerie is relevant to all young people chafing under the yoke of parental control and is therefore as suitable for young as it id for older audiences ’
3 The planning officers ' report considered by the district council 's northern area planning subcommittee on March 24th stated : ‘ Initial comments indicate the council have not considered the current proposal in detail and have not therefore as yet decided to support the scheme , indeed some of the council have strong reservations ’ .
4 The reconversion of one portion of the value of the product into capital and the passing of another portion into the individual consumption of the capitalist as well as the working class form a movement within the value of the product itself in which the result of the aggregate capital finds expression ; and this movement is not only a replacement of value , but also a replacement in material and is therefore as much bound up with the relative proportions of the value-components of the total social product as with their use-value , their material shape .
5 Such musical devices are not intended therefore as direct Romantic ‘ mood-painting ’ ’ .
6 Therefore as the slow drying colour dries and shrinks it will crack any already dry and contracted colour on top of it .
7 Therefore as the slow drying colour dries and shrinks it will crack any already dry and contracted colour on top of it .
8 There is very little idiom through which a Piaroa can demarcate another Piaroa as ‘ other ’ than self , and therefore as ‘ outsider ’ .
9 No film received as much publicity as I am a Fugitive and that was a film more conventional than most critics suspected and which only attacked corrupt and degrading aspects of the South , a part of the country always regarded as a backwater and therefore as relatively easy game .
10 For the purposes of my present argument , however , of even greater importance than the influence exercised by Les Annales is the fact that their approach is clearly governed by the idea — definitive of concessive holism — that individualist and holist explanations are best seen as answering to different interests , and therefore as contributing , at least to some extent , to independent projects .
11 But most of these approaches still see signifiers as expressing meanings directly , a few or even one at a time ; and therefore as being susceptible , despite their complications , to rational , more or less complete analyses .
12 These European States , members of the North Atlantic Treaty Organisation , regarded themselves as essential participants in the Western alliance and therefore as directly implicated in any perceived threat to it .
13 It could be seen therefore as its own safeguard provided by the people against a particular form of exploitation of the people ; and hence as something to be excepted on pragmatic grounds from the general case for nationalisation or municipalisation .
14 The first advantage to the participating company of all of these types of activity is that they are not seen by the reader as advertising but as part of the editorial content of the magazine and therefore as having the endorsement of the editorial staff .
15 We come now to vote on this addendum to deliverance n number four and , since it is in print , we do n't need to ask the clerk to read it out for us , so therefore as , ask those who wish to vote for this addendum would you please stand .
16 The information requirements from the grantee to the grantor are therefore as previously outlined .
17 While interactionists admit the existence of roles , they regard them as vague and imprecise and therefore as open to negotiation .
18 The female form — or imagery directly related to the female anatomy — is therefore as ubiquitous in Surrealist paintings by women as it is in those by men .
19 Farmers and landowners continued to dominate rural areas , both as employers and as local councillors , and therefore as effective landlords of the housing stock within the range of farm workers : council housing , privately rented houses and tied cottages .
20 But once Gyggle had positioned me in the tank — which crouched there like a miniature submarine , or a twenty-first-century washing machine — and swung shut the rubber-flanged door , I found it impossible to lose — and therefore as he hoped , reencounter — my self .
21 However much she might have wanted to remain aloof from publicity the female press corps had already identified her as the ‘ Woman Head ’ of a multi-million dollar international corporation and , through the same lens , saw her therefore as challenging a man 's world .
22 Again these statements are open at least to qualification but they link back to concepts of interpersonal work as women 's tasks and therefore as work which suffers along with those who do it from the lower status of women in a patriarchal society .
23 The common characteristics of all financial intermediaries are therefore as follows .
24 Her expression was jaundiced therefore as she gave it her attention .
25 The command to start a LIFESPAN Process is therefore as follows :
26 So long therefore as the central country of the Bretton Woods system pursued responsible policies , fiscal deficits in a peripheral country such as the United Kingdom generated balance of payments problems for that country , and any government seriously committed to maintaining a fixed exchange rate on the US dollar found its freedom to run such deficits severely curtailed by the commitment .
27 If the matrix event is felt to " control " the infinitive event 's realization , then the matrix event must obviously be conceived as a conditioning factor with respect to the latter , and therefore as logically prior to ( i.e. before ) the infinitive event .
28 Taking into account the notion of support , the most satisfactory definition that can be given of the English bare infinitive in the present state of our knowledge is therefore as follows : the bare infinitive is a non-finite verb form that provides for the incidence of its event to a support through all the instants of time required to actualize the complete lexical content of this event .
29 Clovis 's campaigns and ruses against other Frankish rulers should perhaps be seen as power struggles within a small kin-group , and therefore as precursors of the civil wars that were to follow , but we know nothing about the connections between the petty kings of the years prior to 511 .
30 Therefore as well as it being a problem of development within the flood plain it is also a problem of development beyond the flood plain and as well as development and I er think this in no way intending to spread the blame , but is a , is a er an observation which er I think is quite clear and that is that farming practices erm can have both beneficial and adverse effects on water regimes
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