Example sentences of "themselves into " in BNC.

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1 Instead of accepting that their normal circuit is not possible and organising an alternative , they may try to make their formal pattern and so run themselves into an even more difficult situation .
2 The McCullochs turned into their cottage with a brief good-night and Cameron , James , and Allan let themselves into the tall , silent house along the road .
3 ‘ In European countries , it took the working class years and years before they fully realized the fact that they formed a distinct and , under existing conditions , a permanent class of modern society ; and it took years again until this class-consciousness led them to form themselves into a distinct political party , independent of , and opposed to , all the old political parties formed by the various sections of the ruling classes .
4 With the stickback style , however , it is only necessary to curve the top piece ; the sticks would then position themselves into a curve , even from a straight base .
5 Ashton 's dancers have to weave themselves into and out of such play without losing the flow of both music and movement .
6 There is a particularly fine example in the last pas de deux of La Fille Mal Gardée where Lise and Colas weave themselves into an embrace which is so tender , gentle and loving that it arrives at the end of a phrase as the most natural thing in the world .
7 THE Friends of Thatcherism are working themselves into a fine old lather about the interview given by the Archbishop of Canterbury to the magazine Director .
8 The latter need not wait for a change of heart on the part of the Prime Minister , or the election of a new government , before translating guilt about the condition of those less fortunate than themselves into action .
9 Quick replies by Kelly Shelford and Mark Elia led to the suspicion that New Zealand could score at will and were easing themselves into their stride , but doubts arose early in the second half with a succession of missed chances .
10 For what else could so many well-connected old buffers do if not manoeuvre themselves into and around the Senate ?
11 Ten years ago they formed themselves into the Hargeisa Group to lobby the government for a better deal for the north .
12 The death at the weekend of Siho Iyiguven , who threw himself on a burning mattress at Harmondsworth detention centre , near Heathrow , was followed yesterday with further suicide threats by detainees who barricaded themselves into their dormitory .
13 They came with their ideals , found idyllic peace in the countryside , where a man could hardly fail to notice God in the quietness ; said their prayers in one of the fairest little parish churches in all the land ; reacted against , and then threw themselves into the orderliness of quasi-monastic life ; and studied what they wanted , and thought about truth .
14 It was not to pass examinations and qualify for better wages , not to raise themselves into a higher social class — though these are respectable ambitions and no doubt many of those early students felt them — but to get at knowledge for its own sake because without it their existence would be less worth to them , that the working classes demanded education and got it .
15 Or has this whole summer for Mansell been a fabrication of what he really felt , a means of getting out of his Ferrari contract by saying he was quitting and then holding Williams to ransom after they had backed themselves into a corner ?
16 Professional clubs formed themselves into limited liability companies not to speculate in the entertainment business but to make legally secure the cost of providing facilities .
17 Through their sponsorship of cricket , Cornhill , until recently a little-known City insurance company , turned themselves into a household name at the cost of a million pounds over five years .
18 Because it is not possible for more than four people to share a freehold , the owners of each of the six units formed themselves into a management company in order to buy the building ; each became a director of the company and was given a 999-year lease of his or her dwelling .
19 When they launched themselves into production in 1922 , Balcon and Saville with Woman to Woman , the story of a shell-shocked officer who comes out of amnesia to discover the truth about his sordid past , and Wilcox with two films of which the second , a florid melodrama called The Flames of Passion , was a hit , they used the same director , Graham Cutts , and judged it worthwhile incurring the expense of bringing over American stars , Betty Compson for Woman , Mae Marsh for Flames , in order to increase their films ' marquee value at home and abroad .
20 In his Russian heartland the democrats , repeating the mistakes of their predecessors before 1917 , have failed to organise themselves into a cohesive opposition .
21 Their demands are much like those of the ill-fated Democratic Platform — reformers who quit the party but failed to organise themselves into a workable opposition .
22 Many members of the Moscow research institutes have hurled themselves into politics , as advisers to Mikhail Gorbachev or Boris Yeltsin or as politicians in their own right .
23 This does not mean that they put themselves into the hands of an absolute authority .
24 Instead , they got themselves into a thoroughly embarrassing mess , saying they accepted Gatting 's statement that nothing improper had taken place but sacking him all the same .
25 Then a curious thing happened — England suddenly began to win , with nine of the next ten meetings going their way , and even while their Test form was wretched somehow turned themselves into perhaps the best one-day side in the world .
26 So how would the mere existence of Labour Party membership cards in the North prevent the electorate voting themselves into a United Ireland if they so desired ?
27 The questions linked , separated , twisted themselves into fantastic jumbles and finally slid over into his sleeping mind , so that he dreamed , terrifyingly , that he was opening a never-ending stream of boxes .
28 From the very first day I saw him I began writing poems to him that later grouped themselves into the sequence entitled ‘ Suite Salmantina ’ which , with other poems about Spain , forms the central part of my collection called The Prodigal Son : Poems 1956–1959 .
29 Sonia and Helen flung themselves into my arms , to Joe 's great astonishment .
30 Once again they turned their backs on the God who had brought them out of Egypt , and threw themselves into the arms of another .
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