Example sentences of "mother [pron] " in BNC.

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1 She would be the perfect mother whom others would notice and admire .
2 There are , there are other ways to come by children , erm I have a relationship with a man who has three children erm he 's been married , he 's divorced , separated , and I do n't feel that I 'm replacing the children 's own mother , I feel like I 'm not even stepmother , I 'm just their friend , get on very well with them , and we we share I share mothering , if you like , with their own mother whom they see .
3 She knew her limitations better than she knew her worth , and she taught in a private school because it gave her a little more latitude to come and go as she wished — an important point , since she cared for an old mother whom eighty years had made exacting .
4 She looked like your mother whom you 'd loved , but whom you 'd lost — and while Doreen was near your mother seemed to be not so far away .
5 It 's called the ugly duckling , but Mr Summerfield loved it because the woman looked like his mother whom he adored .
6 All of this would have been enjoyable — or at least bearable — without miserable old mother me having the meanest migraine in living memory .
7 In her study My Mother My Self ( Fontana , £5.99 ) , psychologist Nancy Friday puts her finger on how I felt when she says that , at such a time , ‘ The new mother finds the need for her own mother increasing .
8 And erm my my mother my father was neutral about the whole thing .
9 But so then my mother My mother 's father and the father of Golden Rule Mayor Jones of Toledo , Sam Jones , born in were first cousins .
10 My mother my mother , my father was useless .
11 Oh my mother my mother was brought up with her grandmother in Llaneilian .
12 Mother I do n't need — the one who brought me up cost a lot in therapy to get over .
13 As a mother I warm to someone who observes that so many of the modern theories on childcare ‘ show utter contempt for women 's judgement ’ , and who points out that , when it comes to smacking , ‘ if we were talking about any other activity which was so widespread , people would say this was a method which was tried and tested and obviously worked .
14 ‘ After I got my degree I told my mother I could keep her now and she should leave my father .
15 My mother I can hardly see save as she is now while I am writing .
16 I 'd promised my mother I 'd buy her some new central-heating , and the only time it could be fitted was the next week , so I needed to be home for Monday when the workmen came round .
17 If I 'm not your mother I 'll be your godparent
18 ‘ No , and you 're not going to tell Mother I 'm here . ’
19 Even when the carer is a relative , when dementia is the disease carers may feel as if the old person has in a sense already died and left them so that ‘ this is not the mother I used to know ’ .
20 Unlike my mother I can not draw anything but the curtains , so I was bottom of the class at this .
21 And with this interjection Aggie now beat her closed fist against the end of the settle as she added angrily , ‘ If she had acted like the friend that she was supposed to be to the mother I would n't be faced with this lot tonight . ’
22 However , having been born and raised in England by an Irish father and an English mother I believe that I understand English attitudes quite well .
23 As a mother I am looking at this girl .
24 I mean , I remember when I told my mother I wanted to be a designer she said , ‘ Oh , that is a good thing , because it shows you are not a snob ’ . ’
25 A single mother I met in Sheffield has got housing , but in a Dickensian block of flats , on the fifth floor , with no lift , a damp kitchen , bathroom and hall where the wallpaper seems to stand up only out of inertia because it is n't sticking to the walls .
26 And he was so happy that he said to his mother one day , mother I want to live for ever .
27 I looked after my mother I was the youngest of our family , and I did n't consider that I was doing something unusual , it was my duty .
28 Children die before parents unfortunately and have wills I let everything to my mother , Mother I leave everything to my son .
29 I was that content with being a mother I 'd decided I did n't want a job until my daughter went to secondary school .
30 But because I did n't tell my mother I was coming here , I could n't get my British passport .
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