Example sentences of "knew very " in BNC.

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1 She knew very well this was n't the right face .
2 Despite the assurances of the Director of his Department that he was favourably looked upon , and despite the fact that there was no doubt that at his office he was being treated with a subtle air of respect , nothing formal or official about his promotion had been announced ; and as he knew very well , a change of Directorship , a shift in Government economic policy , even a chill wind in international relations , could mean the end of his hopes .
3 I went to a special sports school — not Leipzig , ’ she added hastily , to a nod from Erika who knew very well what Leipzig meant in the athletic world of the G.D.R. , the absolute , superlative top — ‘ but I was a second rater there .
4 But Charles knew very little and nothing at all about management , business and finance .
5 My hands are never clammy , and something told me that Aunt Louise knew very well who had touched her .
6 Although he knew very well he 'd lost the battle , he still felt a need to justify .
7 Gaily knew very little about the ways of church services , and so he sat halfway towards the back , looking at the coffin and the windows full of pale saints carrying lilies and the dust motes in the groin of the roof .
8 They knew very well that the manager kept several pounds of their winnings , but could n't object , as every other betting shop had barred them .
9 We still knew very little about them .
10 But the great monarchs of the sixteenth century knew very well how to use that adulation to enhance their power .
11 But Knox could always afford to be a great deal more cavalier about the dangers of rebellion against established authority than those who , being themselves great lords who ruled over men , knew very well the chaos which could result if the bonds of obedience and loyalty were violently broken .
12 If she did , it was an existence fraught with danger , for she knew very well Wild Will was capable of murder .
13 Christine , however , knew very well that it was n't the distance that kept Miss Miggs from travelling to Gridford , but the railway fare .
14 For example , when I began researching into social aspects of book reading I knew very little at all about publishing or bookselling and my experience of libraries was mainly limited to being a user of them .
15 I knew very well I 'd not got an uncle in America .
16 Littler was a wily businessman who knew very well that things were difficult for them and realized how badly they needed his business .
17 They liked to check on the weather situation after briefing — they knew very well their lives could depend on the forecast .
18 All four works present the same sort of world — the teeming , overgrown , majestic Amazonian rainforest that Villa-Lobos knew very well .
19 He knew very well that , without my running to and fro , the passengers mostly would n't be bothered to move to drink , so he accepted fast , no doubt considering me a mug as well as an actor .
20 Jennifer knew very well what her future held — her marriage to Steven was imminent .
21 At this time I began , having been converted through reading the gospels , carefully to read the book of Acts and discovered there a level of Christian effectiveness of which I knew very little .
22 ‘ I knew very quickly that to get the kitchen exactly how we wanted it , we 'd have to swap rooms around on the ground floor .
23 When Diana first consulted Penny the princess revealed that she was interested in astrology , but knew very little about it .
24 His attitude to Theo hardening daily , he said he knew very well that ‘ whether Father and Mother take it quietly or not will three-fourths depend on what you tell them . ’
25 He knew very well that fear of Securitate informers was as effective a way of hamstringing opposition as actually deploying agents in the field .
26 Ceauşescu knew very well from his travels to so many poor countries ( including some getting poorer even more rapidly than his own ) that he was not alone in promoting a cult of himself .
27 Benny knew very well that her mother 's day was far from full .
28 My own view is that neither Mr Baker nor Mrs Rumbold knew very much about the complex debate that has been going on at least since Rousseau about progressive education , and that they did not realise that my Group would be strongly opposed to Mrs Thatcher 's views about grammar and rote-learning .
29 We knew very little about these last clients of the season except that they were two attorneys and a proctologist , all from Georgia and all vacationing with their wives , and we also knew that one of the wives was a vegetarian and that the proctologist hated pasta , but beyond that our guests were utter strangers and so we waited nervously to see what kind of people would be our companions and paymasters for the next week .
30 She knew very well what they had been at ; she and Patten had been the same , when they were young .
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