Example sentences of "knew in " in BNC.

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1 The leadership of the state knew in large measure what was wanted : it was part of the national — popular consciousness as well as being itself a result of the convention between church and Irish parliamentary party in the previous century .
2 But it was hard to pick out faces that he knew in the swaying mass of heads .
3 Somehow I just knew in the end we would get back to the subject of money !
4 The result was fourteen months of the hardest work that Michael Ramsey ever knew in his life .
5 And already he knew in his heart that to be a vicar or a curate was not his vocation as a priest for the rest of his life .
6 We knew in 1985 that when we made our preliminary announcement of our results for the previous financial year that we would become technically insolvent .
7 They were things that you took to enhance your experience and to make it more intense — to make your personal development became part of your life , It was a very high-minded approach and when one looks at what has happened to the drug scene today and one looks back to the prevailing attitudes at the time , one can see the absolute , total abhorrence among drug takers that I knew in those days of amphetamines , heroin , barbiturates , mandrax — all those things that had an adverse physical effect which were considered to by highly dangerous to one 's personal development and to one 's daily living .
8 Of course , Agnes knew in advance what the visitor would say to them , and she is hardly surprised .
9 I was chased mercilessly about the streets by my campaign assistant , Simon Heffer , who is now the chief leader-writer of the Daily Telegraph but whom I knew in those days as a fellow ( but younger ) old boy from Chelmsford .
10 He had underestimated the new mood of his members who had become sick and tired of the never-ending series of disputes , which they knew in their consciences had been driving the Division ever closer to bankruptcy .
11 In her head , Marie could see the people she knew in terms of those doors .
12 From that moment the poor man knew in his heart it was the start of his dog 's career in Grand Prix car chasing !
13 He knew in each piece exactly where the real climaxes were and he avoided completely the kind of hurrying or dragging which ruins so many performances .
14 For , even if they knew in general that it was unlikely to be the case , they could not afford to take chances .
15 But we knew in our hearts they were ready to name the day . ’
16 I am sometimes sad myself when I visit villages I knew in my youth .
17 And he knew in his bones what that meant .
18 ‘ Except in cases that require learning and skill ’ , says Baxter , ‘ she was better at resolving a case of conscience than most divines that I ever knew in all my life . ’
19 I think I knew in my heart that once again he wanted to do something ‘ useful , in the sense that it 's got to be done ’ .
20 While sailing back from Cancun to San Paul Key he had put down on paper what he knew in the hope that a pattern would appear .
21 Besides , he knew in his heart of hearts evacuating Heymouth was the right thing to do .
22 And I knew in some sort , I think , that the animal was my brother , in this meek and helpless form .
23 ‘ They were so different from the people we knew in London that it was quite difficult .
24 If she had stopped to think , she would have remembered that Brown Owl had told the Pack more than once always to seek the help of a grown-up they knew in any case of emergency .
25 Fisher no doubt knew in advance the recommendations of the Lewis Report : a uniform school-leaving age of 14 , the abolition of exemptions , and day continuation classes for all those aged between 14 and 18 , all of which measures were embodied in his Bill .
26 I toyed with the idea of committing suicide , but I knew in my heart and soul I would never take my own life .
27 But , in the contemporary study of an institution such as a factory or a college , it may be necessary to analyse hundreds of questionnaires or interview schedules , and this will only be done successfully and without trouble if the research worker knew in advance what was wanted and how the data could be analysed before it was collected .
28 Basically my father who I believe you knew in the Sixties … he organised lots of the roadhouse shows ?
29 Jess heard and knew in an absent way that he was speaking to her , but all her attention was on Captain Meredith , framed in the doorway of the inn .
30 This she loved , and it led to her , Dad and Shadwell going to dinners and parties with all kinds of ( fairly ) important people — not the sort we knew in the suburbs , but the real thing : people who really did write and direct plays and not just talk about it .
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