Example sentences of "take five " in BNC.

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1 It may take five years , he wrote , or it may take ten , or a hundred or a thousand , but sooner or later everything in the mausoleum will be affected and everything in all the other mausoleums in the city , and everything in all the other mausoleums in the country , and everything in all the other mausoleums in the world .
2 Students should take five tougher , leaner A-levels , he said .
3 Even on the cheeriest estimates , it will take five or ten years to rescue East Germany 's economy from 40 years of communism .
4 A clue to his role may be found in the fact that only seven times did he take five wickets in an innings and never once ten in a match .
5 She did n't take five years out and say to herself , ‘ I 'm really going to learn music . ’
6 Or rather , they can take five .
7 It might take five moves , or 10 , or 15 , to get to the goal , but when that happens , it is not because the player looked ahead that number of moves .
8 When you have finished — it might take five minutes or five hours — look through your notes and pick out the central themes .
9 Aunt Sarah was right in saying that it would take five days to reach Liverpool , since the barge could go no faster than the horse which pulled it .
10 They established it would take five derelict wrecks to build up one flyable aircraft and its reliability would no doubt be poor .
11 I can take five . ’
12 In older houses , fresh air replaces stale air about once an hour , but the process can take five to six hours in draught-free modern homes .
13 It is often complained of by many that a meeting will take five minutes to agree the expenditure of ten million and two hours to debate a minor item worth only a few thousand .
14 It may take five minutes of real time to play the match .
15 Will take five days .
16 Yeah will take five days .
17 And her father , no slouch on the Nordic circuit himself , has agreed to let her take five years out of education to become a champion .
18 In what appeared to be a change of approach by Spain , the Economy and Finance Minister , Carlos Solchaga , proposed to the meeting that the commencement of Stage 2 should be delayed until Jan. 1 , 1994 , and that the transition to Stage 3 should take five to six years .
19 On June 23 the veteran Texan oil firefighter Red Adair had claimed that the task of capping oil fires would take five years .
20 Do you consider it important that we take that into account now , not least because of the , although it 's well beyond the plan in its entirety , where the new settlement might go , and its its acceptability in environmental terms , depends in part on how big it is , there may be some places which could easily take fifteen hundred dwellings , but could not take five thousand ?
21 Candidates must take five mandatory core skills modules , with the module covering personal and interpersonal skills being chosen from a choice of five .
22 Students and trainees will take five mandatory core skills modules plus three other mandatory modules covering science in context , health and safety at work , and a more advanced new module in sustainable resource utilisation .
23 Ca can I just say one thing , though , if you me nip out , it 's not that I do n't want to listen to this , er , it 's in connection with the property er worries that er , Geoffrey said , I 've got to sign a lot of er , arm twisting letters , which I , they want me to sign today , so if I can take five minutes out to sign those , I hope you will not feel I 'm trying to er skive off , as it were .
24 It 'll take five weeks for the shipment to get to Japan .
25 Yeah I 'd considered buying it and all that , you know it do n't take five minutes you know , and I took it for a test drive
26 But in showers you can like take five minutes sometimes .
27 The names on the Warwickshire team sheet are changing , and Bob Cottam 's statement that it 'll take five years to get it right is looking accurate .
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