Example sentences of "period it " in BNC.

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1 Sometimes they give you the feeling that they have done you a great favour by attending rehearsals and at the end of the rehearsal period it 's ‘ Bye-bye loves , now you do your thing and I 'll go off and do another ’ .
2 In the nine months period it is hoped Ross will break even and the market is predicting the company will move into profit in 1990 .
3 It had ceased to operate as a flour mill as early as 1938 and in the immediate post-war period it was used as a seed store .
4 During this period it was recognised by the local planning authority as a building of considerable local importance , and , accordingly , was listed Grade II .
5 Unlike offices , the level of income fluctuates although sometimes over a longer period it fluctuates at a higher level than commercial .
6 Within the last 18 months , the company has sold : its European silicones business to Rhone-Poulenc for £30million ; four businesses from its Canadian offshoot CIL ; a computer software company to managers ; a West German printing inks business ; its over-the-counter drugs business in the US and Savlon in Britain ; a Canadian building products business to Trafalgar House ; and its Coopers Animal Health , which it owned with Wellcome , to Chicago-based Pitman-Moore ; During the period it has bought : Cambridge research Biochemicals ; a privatelyowned US acrylics company , K-S-H ; Rayca Chemical Corporation , which makes chemicals for the US textiles industry .
7 In the New Testament period it was obviously an embarrassment .
8 Though set vaguely in period it is surprising just how contemporary it all seems .
9 For a short period it was used for the manufacture of bedding materials and mattresses .
10 The idea was not new ; it had been first put into operation in the preceding reign of Louis-Philippe , but during that period it was made clear to France that she must play second fiddle in the European concert otherwise Britain would turn her out of the orchestra .
11 The rifts of the The Fairy Melusina are heavily overloaded with ore ; during the Pre-Raphaelite Period it was admired by certain critics , including Swinburne , who called it , ‘ a quiet , muscular serpent of a tale , with more vigour and venom than is at all usual in the efforts of the female pen , but without narrative thrust ; rather , as was Coleridge 's Serpent who figured the Imagination , with its tail stuffed in its own mouth . ’
12 By this period it was no longer necessary for the emperor to stress Roman identity .
13 If you have found work elsewhere at a lower salary before the hearing , the tribunal will have to project your loss forward for whatever period it considers appropriate .
14 They came to the conclusion that trusts offered a significant advantage only in their Republican days ; in that period it may well be that peregrines and other disadvantaged classes made good use of them .
15 During this initial period it will be necessary to use whatever methods appear appropriate to deal with the patient 's distress .
16 During this period it is probable that prior to the emergence of the first living cell , there was an immense span of time in which purely chemical changes were taking place , these changes were pre-life , and pre- ‘ god ’ , that is , before the Created God which it is the object of this chapter to introduce .
17 At one time the village was owned by the Wilberforce family and during this period it was a thriving community .
18 The aircraft was left for two hours while the pilot was arranging for its recovery , and during this period it was extensively damaged by vandals .
19 By the time there are 95 different budget projections on disk for the same period it may be difficult to remember who contributed what .
20 But there were heavy criticisms during the period it was broadcast and in the following months .
21 For the entire period it accounts for some 70 per cent of the year-to-year variation in the rate of change of aggregate union membership .
22 But , as has been shown , although their proportionate contribution increased over the period it is not something which should be interpreted in wholly optimistic terms .
23 Between 1713 and 1763 they paid little attention to the colonies in America , and at least for the first half of the period it was hard to see what else could have been done .
24 It can attain magnitude 6.7 , and is then within binocular range , but for most of its 465-day period it is too faint .
25 When near maximum it can not be mistaken , and it is of course very red , but do not be surprised if you fail to find it , because for most of its period it is well below binocular range .
26 R Ophiuchi , a Mira star , lies in the field with Eta ; it can rise to the seventh magnitude , but for most of its 302-day period it is far below binocular range .
27 It can rise to magnitude 6.8 , and can be distinguished by its redness , but for most of its 278-day period it is out of binocular range .
28 Although this rank was that of a clerk , in the Constantian period it was applied to those officials who were responsible for the minutes of the imperial consistory and some of them rose to the highest ranks .
29 During the same period it was also alleged that there was a trade-off between unemployment and inflation , which came to be known as the Phillips curve .
30 Doors and bolts had been fixed , but in a three-month period it was said that ‘ 14 dozen locks ’ had been broken , the children had burned down the door , and even iron gates had not stopped them from gaining access to the roof and throwing stones on people below .
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