Example sentences of "police [be] " in BNC.

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1 If the police are to continue to exercise control over an increasingly pluralist society , which is better educated and less willing simply to accept any version of events handed out by the powerful , then it seems essential they should avoid scrutiny yet suggest they are totally accountable to the democratic ideal .
2 The findings have tended to support the view that the police are held in relatively high esteem , although those polled have invariably had little or no contact with the police in any capacity .
3 Smith ( ibid. 157 ) also touches on the crucial feeling of potentiality which the university experience can produce in the individual , but which the police are generally unable to incorporate .
4 Given this premise , we should not be surprised to find the police are in the forefront of support for proposals such as the introduction of identity cards ; it was not surprising to find the 1988 Superintendents ' Association conference not only supporting this motion , but arguing for the creation of twenty-four hour armed patrols throughout the country and making a plea for a national motorway squad .
5 As Reiner ( 1980 ) suggested , the riot gear in which the police are increasingly seen , with shields , visored helmets , knee-length boots , and flame-proof overalls , enhances their avenging appearance .
6 Given that the police are essentially an organization constrained by an ingrained respect for the pragmatism of action — regardless of the lip-service paid to the police college , the ‘ special course ’ , or the university scholarship — it was inevitable that the hierarchy would follow the dictates of institutional philosophy and pull the marginal mover in from the periphery ; for there is a boundary beyond which the pilgrim can not be allowed to stray .
7 The chief lesson you gather is that the South African police are remarkably well-informed and the ANC recruitment procedure sadly lax .
8 Tottenham police are fond of saying publicly that they want to ‘ build bridges ’ with the community here .
9 If the police are truly interested in being accountable to and building bridges with those that they police , why did they not discuss their plans with representatives of the community organisations on the estate ?
10 Mr Churchill will have an executive role as director of legal affairs , a particularly useful role considering the Serious Fraud Squad and the West Midlands Police are investigating Eagle , and will temporarily assume the role of company secretary .
11 POLICE forces throughout the country are taking part in a survey to discover how effective , efficient and popular the police are .
12 The Metropolitan Police are co-ordinating the survey and six other forces , Avon and Somerset , Devon and Cornwall , Northumbria , North Wales , Sussex and South Yorkshire , are looking at specific police roles .
13 POLICE are hunting the killer of a drugs centre counsellor who was found battered to death at her office in Worcester .
14 POLICE are aiming to track down 30 athletes who hurdled over closed barriers at a railway level-crossing moments before a train hurtled through .
15 ‘ The Left always say police are bastards … until their video is stolen … ’
16 Outside , the police are no longer present in uniformed strength .
17 Many people have noted how the police are not helpful in initiating research or in welcoming sociologists ( Greenhill 1981 : 91 ; Holdaway 1979 : 1 , 1983 : 3–4 ) .
18 But part-time reserve police are the most bitter .
19 In answering these calls , the RUC 's section police are modelled on their British counterparts , where the emphasis is placed on rapid response to logged calls .
20 As another explained , ‘ To most people a family row is Mummy and Daddy having a few words ’ , but when police are called to a domestic dispute in some areas of Belfast ,
21 It was also apparent from the observational data that Easton 's section police are occasionally presented with difficult encounters between public and police because of the gender differences in police work .
22 The police are called upon to perform many public services ( for example , see Punch 1979b ; Punch and Naylor 1973 ) , which is true even of a police force in a divided society like Northern Ireland , as the last chapter showed .
23 The research design was not intended to display how ordinary Easton 's police are as people , although the topics about which they talk show a concern with the same mundane things as other people — family , sport and leisure , television , sex , work , overtime and the bosses , the in-laws , friends , the cost of living , holidays , pregnancies , the house and DIY , politics , and so on .
24 The police are aware of how problematic their relationship is with certain sections of Easton 's population , irrespective of religion .
25 Read in this way , community policing in Northern Ireland seems designed exclusively to improve relations between the police and Catholics , but it is much wider than this for it is also employed in Protestant t areas like Easton , where the existence of ‘ ordinary crime ’ ensures that the police are keen to improve crime prevention by better relations with the public generally .
26 One of the traditional areas reserved for policewomen is work with juvenile and female offenders ( Jones 1987 ; Southgate 1980 ) , and juvenile liaison police in Easton are female , although other community relations police are male .
27 Neighbourhood police are supposed to spend as much time as possible per shift walking their beat , even taking tea-breaks at some appropriate place on the round , returning to the station only for their main meal break and when a criminal , such as a shoplifter , is apprehended , although this is rare .
28 While this demonstrates the public 's faith that the police can resolve any situation , the neighbourhood police are thereby presented with a dilemma : they either criminalize formally legal behaviour or disappoint public expectations .
29 Some Catholic schools in the area have no contact with the RUC 's Community Relations Branch , others do so when the police are in plain clothes and bring no uniformed neighbourhood police with them , while yet others restrict the lecture topics which the community relations police cam address .
30 Neighbourhood police are all too aware of the risk :
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