Example sentences of "ever do " in BNC.

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1 What did he ever do ?
2 I do n't think I would ever do such a thing again , but when the depression settles on me I 'm very vulnerable , and if I went to see a film and it had a drowning sequence in it , or swirling water , then you just ca n't tell .
3 She must never ever do anything that might make them fight .
4 Images and echoes fill the room , diffuse and speeding , the glass darkened to a degree no one thought possible ; his immense talent , his ring wisdom , his antipathy for chemicals , argued against destructibility ; all he would ever do is grow old .
5 He remembered that his wife had one precious jewel , and he did what no man should ever do — he went and gave his wife 's only jewel to the beggar .
6 If they stood apart from their era , assuming human nature can ever do this , their fear was that they would have faded away as irrelevant oddities ; if on the other hand they became fully part of their century their fear was that they would not be giving an alternate witness , another voice .
7 It must now be doubtful that he will ever do so , doubtful , but not impossible that he should .
8 ‘ It 's alright , ’ he said , ‘ I do n't think he 'd ever do anything to hurt me . ’
9 True humility is realizing that God can make a much better job of my life than I could ever do by myself .
10 Before returning to the Cape , he had written ‘ I have been idle so long that I doubt if I shall ever do a single grand battement in my life again — I crack when I move . ’
11 ‘ Because all I can ever do is bloody leave — one group after another .
12 ‘ Would they ever do that for the workers ?
13 ‘ Do n't you ever do that again !
14 ‘ I 'm not averse to marriage but I do n't believe I 'll ever do it ’ the singer , 52 , told Woman 's Own magazine .
15 The job of keeping them together has been entrusted to a series of ‘ confidants ’ who write his books , churn out his articles , furnish his quotes , capture his image and sweeten the sour , and when I once asked Niki why he would n't ever do a serious — and in consequence , a truthful — book about himself , he replied , why should he ?
16 He had n't put pen to paper since the day before Martin died , and he doubted if he would ever do so again .
17 I do n't think I could ever do anything like that again . ’
18 But would you ever do it ? ’
19 Maybe whoever buys the house will set her up again where she can see Narcissus — and much good did that ever do the poor girl . ’
20 I do n't think he will ever do another Love Story , but having accepted that his gutsy sagas are OK .
21 I do n't know if 'e 'll ever do it but yer never can tell wiv Billy . ’
22 And if you 're to try and fill her shoes , which I very much doubt you 'll ever do , but if you 're to be even half the woman that she was , may God have mercy on her , then you 'll need all the reminding I can give you . ’
23 ‘ Do n't you ever do anything else 'cept grizzle ? ’
24 Everyone says its the most mind-blowing thing you can ever do .
25 She did not believe that she would ever do it , for she told herself that she was free ; she thought that she would probably end by prolonging , in some way , her present situation , by returning for vacations and for long dead summers .
26 I 'll explain it to you , if you 've got to stand in a circle because you ca n't see from over there you wo n't actually ever do this yourself , but you may well see it being done , in fact you probably will .
27 Dr Seuss has made far more ‘ readers ’ than any amount of government policy will ever do .
28 Christ Almighty , did n't you ever do anything wrong at sixteen ?
29 Further , the judges in relation to their judicial duties as to who should have the rights of audience have never divested themselves of those duties , nor could they ever do so .
30 ABBERLEY : Why wo n't you ever do what I say ?
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