Example sentences of "to go [to-vb] " in BNC.

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1 He said the terrorists were intent on ensuring that ordinary people would have nowhere to go to enjoy themselves .
2 No I 'll see how I 'm feeling the thing is I do want to go to enjoy it .
3 She said : ‘ Too many people want to go to attend and we have just not got the space to accommodate them . ’
4 He was willing to go to confirm in an emergency at very short notice and this earned him some long-lasting gratitude .
5 An application to set up a pharmacy in the village , which would threaten the services offered by GPs in Four Marks and Ropley , had been turned down , but was due to go to appeal .
6 Er the developers as we all know have a right to go to appeal which they did and
7 The Sainsbury 's application is the latest to go to appeal at a public inquiry .
8 The company 's application was refused by Darlington Borough Council and is due to go to appeal in May .
9 You have to go to like ten different
10 Like all juvenile troupes they had to go to court every Monday in a new town to obtain a licence to work .
11 If there is insufficient time to go to court the police may be asked to exercise their powers of protection under s46 of the Act to prevent a child 's removal ( see Chapter 13 , 1 ) .
12 So the only way in which he can have any rights at all to Ricky apart from you agreeing , is to go to court himself , erm and I 'm inclined just to say lets see what he does .
13 And I convinced him to go to nurse , that 's why he was so long .
14 I was able to go to see her in hospital .
15 From his point of view he had asked to go to see the gorillas and he had been told ‘ Yes ’ .
16 For weeks he was the trouble of my dreams and it took real courage to go to see him in Attila the Hun .
17 We played the harmonium and sang together and Dad sometimes gave us money to go to see a picture at the Queen 's Hall .
18 Adrian was sent home from school after a school outing to the zoo with a note for his father asking poor old dad to go to see the Headmaster immediately .
19 He tried to go to see the family , but the palace was surrounded by Bolshevik guards and Russian soldiers .
20 I was told to sit down for about five hours in a hall , to wait for them to call my name out , to go to see the doctor .
21 Yes we used to go to see her , and she came up a couple of times .
22 after I 've seen the family , will be to go to see him .
23 Chris only has to go to see his wife once a week in that cottage hospital and we 're able to meet quite often now . ’
24 Left Welfare Assistant with class to go to see about Junior Staff Meeting Agenda .
25 I have to go to see — oh , my God …
26 After that she had been at pains to assure him she could cope very well and was about to go to see her inheritance .
27 Reluctantly we had to stop as it was time to go to see Mr Hopkin , who made us most welcome .
28 The county bird club will probably produce an annual report — ask at the library or contact the RSPB regional office — and that will help you to find out where to go to see birds , which is one of the most difficult things to discover without something or someone to point you , literally , in the right direction .
29 ‘ I think — I think you ought to go to see her , sir . ’
30 I suppose it 's probably because his time at Leeds coincided with the time when I used to go to see them most frequently .
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